The Child's Side

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- I Didn't plan this to be multichapter's Fic but somehow i wanna expand a little bit about their story

- Forgave me for any grammatical error

- As Always critics and comments are welcome

- Happy Reading \^0^/


Days, weeks and months have passed. It's been six months since Rona's sudden disappearance. No one can find her. Not even Logan, Suryeon and their personnel. It's like She disappears into thin air. Apartment 4502 is still neat and clean, still looks like someone lives there happily. The adults agree to keep maintaining Rona's house, probably with some hope that she will show up someday with her lovely smile and greet them happily.

"Are you dating someone?" Seokhoon asked Minhyuk who sat In front of him. Since Rona's disappearance, even with the revenge still going on, Seokhoon wants to do something she loves. Maybe it's his guilt talking here since he wasn't there when Rona was at her lowest point. Going out with Jenny and Minhyuk for some Tteokbokki's date is one of Rona's activity. Yes She is a Soprano but the power of love she has for Tteokbokki is immeasurable, and Seokhoon wanna do this because it'll make him remember her all over again.

"What?" With Mouth full with Tteokbokki, Minhyuk stared at Seokhoon with confused look

"You keep talking on the phone every time we go here" Seokhoon smiles and directly looks into Minhyuk's eyes, " Come on, Lee Minhyuk. Spill the tea"

Minhyuk froze, "Because that was the only time Rona would call me". Looking around the store but greeted by Seokhoon's gaze instead. Clearing his throat, he looked at Seokhoon, "What kind of tea did you want?"

"Wait what? You keeping something from us? Explain, Lee Minhyuk" Jenny looking back and forth at Seokhoon and Minhyuk

"I didn't. I don't understand what kind of tea that Seokhoon mean"

"You clearly know what i mean, Minhyuk-ah"

"I don't, Joo Seokhoon. So explain it. I can't read your mind, you know" Minhyuk knows what Seokhoon wants but he wants to hear it directly from his mouth, "Is it related to someone?" Minhyuk tried to lure him

Seokhoon knows he must give up. He was certainly sure, Minhyuk knew something about Rona. Even since Rona's disappearance, Minhyuk is the only one that didn't really made an effort to help them find Rona.

"You know where is Rona, right?"

That hit the spot directly. Among all probabilities questions from Seokhoon, Minhyuk didn't expect he'll directly ask him this. Composing himself, Minhyuk tries to lure him more. "How can I know when you didn't even know?" Smirked. Minhyuk knew it's time for him to spill the truth.

"Minhyuk-ah, you are always on the phone every time we are here and I think that's the only time for Rona to call you," Seokhoon explained. He looks at Jenny "you agree, right? It's like the only time for her to call you but why ?"

"Do I need to explain it ? Who are you?"

"Wait wait, guys. Please don't fight here". Sensing the heated looks from Seokhoon to Minhyuk, Jenny tries to calm them. "If you really know where Rona is, maybe it's his right to know, Minhyuk-ah. And I wanna know where and how she is now but not here. Lets talk at the community room" Collecting all her belongings, Jenny takes her bag and leaves first. She sure the two men will follow her

"I'll answer all your questions but Jenny is right. We don't need to fight here, if you wanna punch me, punch me later after i answer all your questions, we better move to the community room". Following Jenny, Minhyuk took his phone and left Seokhoon alone. Slowly but surely, Seokhoon followed his two friends back to Hera Palace.

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