A wish come true

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You stared at your phone, blinking a few times but somehow, what you were looking at appeared to be very

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You stared at your phone, blinking a few times but somehow, what you were looking at appeared to be very... real.

The name you'd immediately recognized. How could you not? You'd handwritten that name down so many times. You'd always secretly admired his fancy name. You wished yours could be so... posh. But, alas, you were american and he was british and that pretty much said it all.

But you hadn't read his name or even thought about it in... years!

When you got a notification on facebook telling you that you had a message from someone outside your list of friends you almost didn't check it out. Usually it was either spam or just weirdos that you had no mutual friends with that wanted to strike up a conversation (eek!). But when you saw the name, you immediately froze in place. You were walking home from work and you literally stopped in the middle of the street, causing someone to bump right into you, someone that probably hadn't expected for you to come to a sudden halt.

You could see his name and right next to it, in a little tiny square, his profile photo and your heart just momentarily stopped beating.

You stepped to the side, in order for pedestrians to not have to make a beeline around you and even sat on the low fence in front of a building. Wow. You were finally going to find out, after all these years, what Harry Styles looked like.

Harry Styles.

Your english penpal you'd been assigned in school when you were 12. The boy you'd corresponded with for 3 years before you began highschool.

Back when people still wrote handwritten letters, before social media or even before you'd made an email account! For most of your classmates, this penpal thing was a pain in the ass, a chore. But for you and Harry it'd been fun. You'd both really clicked, enjoyed writing to each other, and you surprisingly had a lot in common for a couple of preadolescent kids of different genders, no less! That was pretty uncommon at an age where boys thought girls were "ewww" and still watched cartoons and girls only cared about boybands and whose breasts were bigger amongst their friends.

You liked Harry because he was funny, he made no grammar mistakes (as far as you could tell, anyway), had nice penmanship and always asked you lots of questions.

Letters took forever to reach him, and then the ones he'd send you back took forever to reach you, but whenever you had a letter in the mail and your parents told you it was from Harry your heart would jump in your throat.

You'd had a crush on him for the longest time. You had no idea what he looked like. Never even thought of asking for a photo! Which you could have, come to think of it now, but for some reason it just never occurred to you. But you just knew he had to be cute. Namely because, you knew- all british boys were cute. It was an unspoken rule. Prince Harry and William? Cute. David Beckham? Cute. Those were the only ones you knew of back then, but they surely must've made for a good enough representative sample.

A wish come true // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now