secured doom | part one

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one thing you realize is that sometimes, instead of basking in glory like a hero in some sort of comic book, you need to wake the hell up and realize that the job isn't finished.

hi. my name is samantha coleman. i'm sixteen years old and, despite me realizing that being a cliche now, i'm not like other girls. I don't like shopping in loud, bustling malls and talking about... what? hot disnev stars? i dunno, look, what i'm trying to say is that i don't fit in.

everything fits into a niche, or at least that's what my biology teacher said. everything is created for a reason. the reason we have domestic dogs now wasn't because early humans thought they looked cool, they domesticated them to help with hunting (or, when winter was bad, eat them, but that's besides the point.) some things, however just exist. 'what about domestic cats,' you may not be asking. well, for those who don't know, egyptians domesticated them to be fat, spoiled, and pampered. I feel like, in this analogy, i may be a cat. i don't exist to make a difference or to impact society in any meaningful way - I just exist for the hell of it. however, there's one reason i feel i may have something important. something that the world probably shouldn't know for my safety and privacy, but goddamnit, i was stupid enough to talk about it and school and look where it's gotten me.

or should i say - mii.

see, i'm really into video games, specifically consoles. yeah, i know i'm a big fat geek, but i couldn't care less at this point. i've always been pulled more into games with interactivity. what i mean is motion controls, like with any just dance game for example. voice interactivity, like with nintendogs or... i don't know, seaman on the dreamcast. hell, i'll throw in the sega pico if it makes you happy, i mean, it's like a drawing tablet/plug n' play console - from the 90's, for kids!

anyway, my mom is tight on cash every so often, so she's always dragging me along to thrift stores and garage sales for things we don't really need. i'm assuming that she thinks the more house decorations we have, the less poor we look, but come on. we're not that broke.

so one day she drags me to a garage sale, like she usually does, and i spot something. a nintendo wii. a wii in all of its dirt-encrusted, motion control hyped late 2000's glory. my mom was hesitant at first, but i reminded her that she's forgotten to give me my allowance for the past two weeks, and i told her that she wouldn't owe me if I got the wii. hell, it was only 5 bucks, a fourth of what she knew she owed me. so my mom bought it, and that day, when i got home, let me tell you, i was so fucking excited. i slapped that bitch in and turned it on. i realized then, when that glorious, pale white menu opened, that i didn't have any wii games, but a wii sports disk seemed to have been left in there, so i scored.

i clicked on the wii sports portal, arm already kinda stiff from having to hold the wiimote in front of the sensor bar super still just to soothe that jaggy cursor before i realized that, in order to have the most personal experience, you should make yourself a mii. bending my arm back into my chest so it didn't fall off, i clicked on the little blue arrow on the right, leading me into the mii channel portal.

when i got in, there was already a mii there. typical, since i had just bought this wii from a family who'd just moved into town, but... this mii looked incredibly odd. he was sitting down, tracing the edges of the mii channel's tiles with his ball hands as he shot his head back and looked up at me.

'strange.' i thought. 'didn't know miis could sit.' the only thing stranger was the mii himself.

his name was 'eteled,' which took me a few seconds to realize what 'delete' backwards. his eyes were huge ovals, with deep black pupils that eventually felt like they were eating into my soul as he just sat there and stared. his big, toothy grin frowned and his face contorted to an expression of disgust and boredom, like he'd done this a million times. he turned away, and i looked back at him for a second. his face had scared me for a second, but i soon felt a little sorry for him, despite how surreal it all felt, knowing this was not typical mii behavior. i almost pinched myself. almost.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2021 ⏰

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secured doom | a wii deleted you auWhere stories live. Discover now