the Eating

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Kazuya announces loudly "THE FUCKIN MAC AND CHEESE IS REDYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY" as if the microwave sound didn't indicate that enough. Kaiji says "YEAHHHHHHHHHHHH" and rushed to the microwave aw yeah. Kazuya has the bowl in his hands. Gambling Guy say "gimme some of that epic food." But then KAZUYA SAY....

"no you can't have any yet."

ざわ... ざわ...

Kaiji falls back really dramatically, landing on his ass and then saying "WHAT THE ZAWA!" kaiji is REALLY SHOCIED BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THEY WOULD SHARE!!!!!!! his mind is RACING. Its okay though.... A day without food is not a foreign idea to funny gamble man. There have been many days like this ..... Its not NEW! but kaiji is STILL about to cry!!!! he buries his face in his hands and starts sobbing loudly. Then something SHOCKING HAPPENS......

kazuya and kaiji make Mac and cheeseWhere stories live. Discover now