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Sergio was a boy who was a good friend. I had a little crush on him. His favourite sport was soccer. He was always there to help me and pa Yao. Me and pa Yao would always talk or write about him. He had a friend name gang. They would always play or talk to each other.

Sergio died on March 23 2015. We all cried and I cried 3 times. So did Pa Yao. It was tears to my eyes and other people. I just wished I had told him that I liked him. He was bae for awhile but nope cause he's dead. It's a sad thing to happen to a good friend.

Me and 7 other different people think he isn't dead. We think he could be playing a joke and if he is I cried for nothin. Well that's all I had to say. We will come back if he was facking and I will tell you what will happen to him.

SergioWhere stories live. Discover now