punishment (revised)

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Word count: 3460
(Warning: little space)

Fabio's pov

I woke up with a fluff of curly hair on my face. The hair of my, babygirl,puppy, and soon to be wife. I checked the clock, and damn it's 10 O'clock.  We should've been awake about 2 hours ago, i think last night took a toll on both of us but I wouldnt change a thing.  It was one of the best nights of my life, the best date, best handcooked food, and best lovemaking, though pure vanilla.

I gently shake my girl and whisper in her ear, "wake up honey it's 10 O'clock  now."  "Dada", she said, with a beautiful smile and an innocent look on her face that tells me that she didn't remember last night and that she has slipped into her little headspace.  "Good morning, my angel. C'mon let's wash your face and brush your teeth. then straight to breakfast.you must be starving, right? " I said gently massaging her head which only makes her giggle and to unsuccessfully try to crawl out of my reach. I picked her up and after brushing her "teewth" as she called them, placed her at the kitchen table. I asked, "What would you like to eat baby ??" And she mumbled something that was inaudible to me. "Baby, please will you repeat what you want to eat, Dada can't hear you."

Most of the time she's not very silent,she's a giggly and sweet girl. I never really have to punish her, but today she's too shy, I think she slipped too deep into little space.  "Waffles Dada, I wan waffles n miwk " she mumbled, yawning.  "Okay sweetie, whatever you wish for."  So I made her some waffles.  After feeding her, I noticed that she hadn't  looked at me at all,(she seems to be avoiding me eve)and she's still much more quite than she usually is.  "What happened, angel? Why's my baby so sad?"  I asked with a small smile.

I hoped that she'd feel safe enough to tell me. " cerenie wet Dada. Me icky. Cerenie no wike it." she replied,and started crying instantly. I check her and found that she had indeed peed her pants. I quickly took her to her little room and changed her,all the while cooing and swaying her to calm her. Thankfully once she's in a diaper she stopped crying. It's really concerning me because she never behaves like this, I rarely use diapers on her because she doesn't like it, she says it's embarrassing.  The most she does is always ask me to undo her pants so she can go use the toilet.

She's been mumbling and sad all morning, she's usually so smart and active, coloring, talking, even reading to herself, but today she's too quite, still. After changing her I carried her to the living room and sat her on the couch, sitting in front of her on the floor "Okay baby, tell me is your head hurting? Or your tummy? Is cerenie hurt?" I asked her.  "No Dada. Cerenie iws fiwne."  she replied innocently.  "Oh, okay sweetie, I'm glad you're fine." I told her, but Im still very concerned. I kiss her forehead and she runs off up the stairs to her playroom I suppose.

A bit later I heard shuffling on the stairs, I turned to see ceren coming down in her big girl clothes, that means she's feeling big again.  I switched off the t.v. and was ready to cuddle her and ask about her problems but before I could do anything she walked around the couch in front of me and fell to the floor,kneeling. She sat with her hands upturned on her knees, legs wide and head bowed down, eyes staring at the ground. My perfect submissive.  But why would she do this, we agreed that we'd be like most couples except for playtime, little space, and punishment.

She knows that we both agreed to communicate when we want to act on the bdsm aspects of our relation. She doesn't need to kneel in the living room; It means I was correct something is wrong.  I stood up and put my hands on her head, not to show that I'm above her or that she's below me any way but to show that whatever it is that is worrying her so much, I'll be there with her to  help and to guide her. 

I needed to make sure my baby was okay  and she needed her master, and if she thinks it'll solve the problem then I'll give her a master. "You may speak now puppy, what's on your mind?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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