Nutella :F

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Lucifer's POV~
I sat on a tree branch eating Nutella. Ñam. Nutella. When Clover just fucking teleports out of nowhere. "Guess what?" She asks, "You found a toasted, deep fried pencil sharpener?" "No Alx, is going to stay with us for a while!"
"You interrupted my Nutella. For this?" I grumble. "Yes, also stahp with the Nutella it's unhealthy!" "Your face is unhealthy" "you're an idiot" "Your face is an idiot" "You're such a bitch" "Your face is such a bitch" I reply, she curses under her breath and teleports away.
Clover's POV~
Luc is such an asshole right now. I make some toast and reach for the Nutella. Only to remember she had it. "GOD DAMN IT LUC, YOU ATE ALL THE NUTELLA!!!" I yell.
Akane walks in. "What's all the yelling about?" He says as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Luc ate the Nutella" I mumble

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