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You sat in the station, saying the stupid same excuse, Nick Goode not entirely believing you, but that didn't fucking matter, it was all over anyways. You lost two important people to you, your boyfriend, and BEST friend, Kate.

You hoped that life would get better, and even though you were positive it will, all of it was pretty traumatic. You walked out of the station with your Mom when you heard Deena said,"Y/N!" you turn around, M/n frowns, but you assure her you want to talk to them. You approach Deena, Josh, and Sam.

"How are you? i mean, you lost your boyfriend and best friend, Deena frowned. You frown then sigh. "Not good, Deena, i mean.. He could have lived an excellent life, and Kate too. Sam, i am relieved you are still alive."

She laughed. "Me too, i thought i wouldn't come back alive, honestly." Sam looked as if she had been risen from the dead and of course, technically, was. You sigh of relief. It's now over, thank god. So dont disturb Sarah Fier's grave again? "Your friends laughed and nodded.

You did learn an important lesson.

Stay close to the ones that truly care for you, and you only live once.

"Is that the last box? M/N asked you. D/N was carrying a box to the moving truck, a few weeks had passed, and your hiatus moving situation had finally begun, moving to Sunnyvale might have been a bad option, but your friends were sympathetic and were not angry.

The trauma was too much, staying here kept reminding you of that, especially the grocery store. You nodded. "That's the last box Mom. Why Sunnyvale though?" "The place is better, and my job is there, D/N told you.."Plus y/n, after all you went through, a new place would be a fresh start."

You sigh and nod. "Can i go say goodbye? we dont leave for another 10 minutes." D/N nodded. "Hurry, though." You ran over to Josh, Deena and Sam, all sitting at the end of the sidewalk, looking gloomy.

"Y/N, Were going to miss you, will we see you again? Josh asked. You nod, and laugh. "You know it! I'm not leaving forever, you know." Sam laughed. "I'll see you a lot." You nod, Sam lived in Sunnyvale, too, however, you couldn't see Josh and Deena 247.

Deena sniffed. "We've been friends for so long y/n/n, im not sure if i really want you to leave at this point." You chuckle and sniff, too, noticing tears in your eyes. "Believe me, i would stay, but the memories... Deena, i'll never forget you, i promise that."

The streets of shadyside was calm, warm and peaceful, everyone probably was in their houses. Shadyside was nice, but Sunnyvale was better. Your mother wanted to move there for a while, but put it on hold because of your friends and school.

But you now wanted to move there, the trauma haunted you as you stared around. "I should get going, you know, to move, You say. they nod, and group hug with you one last time. Felt empty without Kate and Simon.

You saw the memorial for the victims of the 1994 Massacre, and sigh, you felt so much better knowing all of this was over, for good.

You went back home, and the moving trucks, plus you, headed to Sunnyvale, an hour away from home.


Your new room was good, very good, and the truck was already there, your stuff had been settled in, your house of course better than the one back in Shadyside. You wondered about Nick Goode actually believing your situation, or silly lie.

He was at the crime scene, after all. But you had a pit feeling that he knew that the massacres were real... You couldn't pinpoint why, though. You just were happy that it was done, no more massacres, Sarah Fier was at peace once more.


You had made a few new friends at your new school, everyone knowing about your situation of course, asked a lot of questions. Apparently famous at your own new school now. But half the school was brats, as expected.

M/N was waiting as the school day ended, you got in the car and M/n asked, "How was your day, honey?" "Good, You reply, a smile on your face, recovered from the trauma that happened. M/N was pleased that her only daughter was recovered, leaving the past behind her.

She started to drive, your life was wonderful. You only hated Sunnyvale because of their treatment of shadyside and the shadysiders, still, it was wonderful and wealthy, your father made more money than back at your old town.

You certainly wouldn't admit it to your friends back there, though.

You called them whenever you could and that night, you were doing your usual, when the phone rang. It was of course one of the usual calls and you answered.

"Hello? L/N Residence?"

"Hey y/n, it's me Deena. been a while."

"Yeah, it has, you seem worried, is everything alright?"

You heard her sigh over the phone, and a bit of background noises, this made your adrenaline go higher than before, as she began to speak again.

"Sarah Fier isn't done, she possessed Sam."

Your eyes widened in fear, you wanted to faint or at least vomit, you thought it had all been over, guess not.

"What do i have to do?"

"Can you come back and help?"

You debated between not going and helping, Sam was your friend after all, you had to do the right thing.

"I'm on it, I'm coming."

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