Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Hunter Exam

*knockout*5 min later*wakes up*
"Were am I?!" *sees Himawari knocked out*"H-hima wake, up!"
*Hima slowly wake up*"Were are we?!"Hima asked"I don't know-wait it looks like an elevator. How did we get here?""Y/N! The scroll we found teleported us to another world!""what?!-"*ding* *the twins walk out*

Third Person POV
Then Hima begin to speak "When we read the so-called book, they talked about Hunters and Nen. And before we got here, I read on the scroll another world portal. That's why I figured this out."" I have such a smart twin" Y/N just said."You're smart to-""Hello this is you're numbers for the exam.""OK..thank u" Himawari thanked the 'Bean' as she took her number.
"What number do you have sis?" Y/N ask."#143 and u?""I have #144" so what are we gone do now?" Hima asked her sister."I think we should do this Hunter exam and then see, what we'll do next" Y/N answered her.
Some minutes later
"Hallo I'm Satotz you're examiner for the first phase of the Hunter exam. For now just follow me." "Thank Lord we have our Ninja suits on" Y/N said  "You're right" Hima agreed with her.
After they run for about 4 hours Y/N got bored. Then the Twins see a boy with green hair that looks like their age.
"Can we talk with him? I am
✨B O R E D✨"Y/N asked her sister"OK. I was getting bored to"
When the twins was walking up to the boy, the boy see how to girls that lookalike were coming up to him.
As the to girls reached the boy, one of them(Y/N) ask what his name was. "I'm Gon! And who are u?-" Gon was interrupt by a Man screaming. "Hey kid! Have some respect for the Exam! U are not allowed to drive a skateboard! That's cheating!" The man screamed. "Am.. Leorio, that's not cheating. The examiner just said to follow him, but not how." Gon said with a genius smile."Gon is right" Hima said."On which said are u Gon?!""ehm.. Ehh??" But before Gon could answer the boy that is on the skateboard came to them.
He had silver hair that was scruffy. A dark blue sweater and over it a white t-shirt. shorts that were dark blue and purple shoes on.

Killua POV
I was minding my own business till a man started screaming at me. Before I could say something, I saw a boy that is standing next two twins. They look really alike. The Boy help me. I don't need his help. It happened so.. It doesn't matter anymore.
OK now I'm curious what his age is. Maybe were the same age?
*back were we were*skates to them
"Hey. How old are you?"I ask the boy. " I'm 12!"he answered. "And you two?" "Were both 12" one of the twins said. I can now see them better.....and...they look alike. But I can tell difference between them. And the one with lavendel Purple eyes is really cute-wait NO! What am I thinking?! Killua!!-
"So, what's your name?" One of them pulled me out of my thoughts."I'm Killua""And I'm Gon!"the boy said with a genius smile. Then one of the twins said"I'm Y/N, and that's my older Twin Sister Himawari" Y/N said with a smile. And I felt my face heat up. Then I hear this Leorio guy saying to this blond hair boy something bout young love. I feel sorry for the person he was talking about. *shrugs* Not my problem

In the next few ours we just talk to get to know us a little better. And I must say Y/N is really cute. Even if I would never admit it.

Naruto:Boruto next generation World

Third Person POV
This whole time Boruto, Kawaki, Sarada and Mitzuki(he came) were searching for Lord Hokage. But he was in the meeting. He finished the meeting 1 hour ago, but the Kages are still in his office and Boruto and his friends doesn't know.

"Their is an ANBU maybe he knows were my old man is!" Boruto shout.
"Hello ANBU! Do u by any chance know were my old man Lord Hokage is??"" He should be in his office, with the other Kages. Why?"the ANBU said then asked"Thank u! Bye!"
"Guys! Faster! We must reach my old mans office in at least 5 min. Cause we've been looking for him for more than 5 hours now!" Boruto shouted at his team mates
At Hokage-samas office
"Dad!!"Boruto scream"Boruto Can't you see that I have a guest.? Please wait. And why are you're friends here?"" Hallo Kage-samas, Mom, dad and Uncle Shikamaru" Sarada said, Mitzuki just smiled, and Kawaki just said Hallo. "Hallo Kages, Uncles and aunt Sakura. But I have something wery important to say."" What is it?" Shikamaru ask "its about Hima and Y/N." "What about them?" Sakura ask. "The scroll in you're office Dad-" he was interrupt by his father. "Boruto why and what do u know about the scroll?" Naruto ask very serious. "I don't know anything about the scroll but the twins. Today u were supposed to spend time with them. I Brought them here. Then I went to my Team course we were meeting up. And when we wanted to ask u something and came here, we saw the twins getting in a Portal without the scroll. But I think it was cause the scroll." Boruto explained. "They got what?!" "Naruto calm down." Sakura try to calm him down." How am I supposed to calm down when my to Daughters are in another world?!?!" "Thy are were?!" Boruto, Sarada and Kawaki shout at the same time. "OK, now we must figure out how they even got the scroll. And then make a search party for them in the other world." Shikamaru said."Shikamaru is right." Gaara agreed.
Then they looked at the video camara.
(yes they have video cameras and phones. But nothing more)
*After they saw what happened*
"OK, so all this is happening now cause Y/N wanted Himawari to read her a book." Gaara said"looks like it"Sasuke answered "Sasuke-sama! I'm sorry to not greeting u properly" Boruto said. Naruto was little sad-shocked. "U never was that respectful to me and i'm you're father." "Sorry old man""😭whwn are u stop gonne call me that? I'm not that old!""Yeah but older than me." Boruto said.
After that.. They discussed how to get the twins back, and how Hinata will not get a Heart attack when hearing her to Daughters are in another world.

Boruto/hxh Crossover Killua Zoldyck x Reader OCWhere stories live. Discover now