🥀Chapter Thirty One🥀

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I was looking at myself in the mirror when my phone started ringing. Today was the day of the meeting and I decided to wear my royal blue suit. It was just a skirt, a white blouse and a jacket with a few silvers buttons on it. I kept my hair in a decent bun and wore my black flats.

I took up my phone and saw that it was Devin. I smiled as I answered it.


"Hey, how are things? You ok and be honest", he said as I chuckled slightly before sitting on the bed.

"I'm fine. Paris is incredible. From the monuments and attractions to the wonderful french language and accent ; it's just surreal".

"Well am glad you're ok, I hope it stays that way until you come back. Right now am stressed because I can't find Hans".

"What do you mean you can't find him?", I asked with much concern. I hope it wasn't anything too severe.

"I haven't heard from him in over a week now. He isn't home either and his phone is going straight to voicemail. I don't know what to think Vanessa. I don't think he was kidnapped because he's too strong for that ; maybe he was keeping on the low or hiding but why?", he asked sounding so stressed. It was his brother so I expected it.

"If he wasn't kidnapped and is hiding, that means something is wrong or he's in some trouble. Maybe with the police?".

"I don't know, I only hope not. I'll call you later, I have some things to take care of".

"Ok", I said before the call ended. I wanted to tell him not to worry too much but that would just be selfish because it's his brother. He had a right to worry all he wanted. But where could Hans really be? Something must have went down and that's why he's hiding. Maybe even protecting his brother in the process. I only hope Devin finds him in one piece.

After a few more minutes of getting myself all set, I took up my bag and left the room. I made my way downstairs and into the hall area. Mordechai was on his phone and he turned around as he noticed my presence. He eyed me up and down before finally meeting my eyes. He didn't look bad himself in his black suit and navy blue tie ; his hair was also neat...extra neat.

"You look professional", was his first words when he ended the call. I didn't respond to that because I refuse to believe that it was a compliment. He stared at me for a few seconds more before taking up the keys off the table and walking off. I followed after him as I place my bag on my shoulder.

Once in the elevator he pressed the button to go down and then took out his phone. I honestly think it was his favourite comfort object ; whether just standing or eating he has to use it.

"What is it?", he asked turning to look at me.

"What do you mean?", I asked wondering where he was getting at.

"You're staring at me as if I'm captivating".

I started him as my lips parted. There was nothing captivating about him and why would he even think that?!. I turned away from him and I could swear I heard a small laugh coming form him. He was crazy and full of himself. Looking decent doesn't make you captivating.

"Don't you have anything to say Vanessa?".

I didn't even spare him a glance. I kept to myself when suddenly I felt his presence nearing me. I turned around and saw that he was too close. Too close for comfort. There was a sudden rumble from the elevator and out of instinct my hands betrayed me and grabbed onto his shoulders for support. What was more shocking was how his hands reached out and gripped my waist.

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