Chapter 1: "Im collecting adult virgins."

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Title Picture- (Y/N) (???)

  Life is fine, as good as a undertakers can be. I work alone no one wants to work under me because of my looks. I've always had white hair and scars covering my body, I never really got made fun of for it, few called it weird yes but the insults didn't start until I decided what I wanted to do for a living.

  Death fascinated me, the look on a persons face and how it can happen in a snap. But when I expressed that, everyone stopped being nice to me saying how maybe I should be a actor. Apparently no one was interested in hiring me, so I made my own. Most people have started to come to me instead of the other undertaker.

  It was quite satisfying to see their business go under, maybe I should've offered them a apology coffin?

  I giggled at my mental joke as I walked to my coat rack, taking my ankle length black trench coat off and throwing it on. I walked out into the stairway and down into my shop, walking pass the coffins and out the door. My knee length white hair started to blow in the wind the hair over my eyes not moving enough to show.

  "Good day (Y/N)!" I raised my hand greeting the man that walked pass, many of my clients families are so grateful they've started to greet me as well. I turned to the right and started to walk, just out for the normal food.

—Time Skip—

  I walked back to my shop with many bags along my arms, ready to fully restock my apartment above my shop. I moved forward to put my key in the lock when my foot hit something, looking down I saw a box taped shut with holes that look poked with a pencil in the side.

  "(Y/N)!" I looked to the side before I could question the box more, and saw two little boys. Twins, they were with their parents until a car crash. I was really good friends with them so even though they stay with their aunt now, they find time to visit me after school.

  "Hello boys, can both of you grab this box?" They nodded and I turned the key before stepping over the box. Leaving the door open I set the bags on the front counter.

  "(Y/N)! It's hea-!"

  "ROOW!" My head snapped back to the box in question well the boys dropped it and backed away.

  Walking over and picking up the box I feel things moving inside.

  "Boys, go put away the groceries well I take care of this." They once more nodded and rushed to pick up the bags. I walked up the stairs and to my living room, the boys soon following with the bags. I soon sat down on my couch with the box on the table in front of me.

  I took my pocket knife out of my trench coat pocket, I gently cut the tape from over the top. Inside said box was a bunch of cats who immediately went still looking at me, well trying to seeing as my hair hides half my face it's kinda hard.

  I counted the cats and found eight. Three had green eyes that reminded me of my own. One of these cats was blond with black legs, ears, and tail. Second one was a deep red, hair going everywhere even the tail was poofed. The third was a dark brown sitting at attention obviously aware of his surroundings at all times.

  Four of them seemed to split themselves into pairs, both of said pairs on opposite side of the box. Both pairs had one tall black cat however one had red eyes well the other has gold eyes. The one with gold eyes sat next to a blue eyed blonde cat that glared at the blue hair one with a blue green eye, the other being shut.

  Finally I looked to the last cat. It had long grey hair that covered their eyes, over their neck and at their nose I could see scars.

  I of course picked this cat up which caused all the others to glare at me. However this also caught the attention of the two boys who had finished with the groceries.

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