Chapter 3: "Get out before I bop you in your clown ass nose."

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— — — 3 weeks later

  I was silent again. All the jokes I made toward others gone.

  Nothing else had happened that night. Red and Ronald were fine now, and Tsuki and Taiyo after going to the doctor were found to be fine. I have of course called the police but they said that there's nothing I can do.

  This is wrong. I can't move anywhere, this shop is all I have. The only place I can live, everything I have that's of value, wonderful memories.

  I was reverting to what I use to be.

  My head was in my hands until I felt something rub up against my leg. Peeking through my fingers I saw Ciel looking up at me. "You probably want food don't you?" The cat nodded and looked at me with a blank stare.

  As I was walking pass the phone, it rang. Picking it up I quickly sighed and cleared my throat. "Undertaker speaking."

  "(Y/N), this is Aaron..." My eyebrow raised, Leah could have just given him my number? "Um... compared to all that's happened recently, Leah and I both want to get you outside the shop."

  I was about to say no until he continued. "So, I want to surprise Leah. I was wanting to bring you both to a restaurant that she's been interested in. Don't worry about the boys, their staying with my brother."

  Thinking about it I looked at the cats. "I can come. But I'll warn you, I don't have the best clothes for any fancy restaurants." He shrugged it off by saying it was fine, saying that a dress or 'church clothes' would be fine.

"I don't have," I put my hand up doing air quotes he couldn't see, "'Church clothes'."

  "It means a nice sweater with jeans or a good shirt and dress pants." D-does he think I'm fucking stupid-?!

  "Bitch-! LISTEN YOUR ASS THE FUCK UP." I swear I heard him freeze, "I KNOW WHAT IT IS! IM NOT FUCKING STUPID-!"

  "(Y/N)! (Y/N)! We know! We know! We just wanted you to get out of the sad little rut you were in!" I froze as I listened to Leah explain the phone call. "Nothing I was doing was working, so I decided to call your work phone and have Aaron invite you out with us. Everything we said is true besides the surprising me part."

  "Oh." I weakly said. "I'll see you on Friday then..." I hung up after hearing Leah confirm the information. Then, "THATS HOW THE FUCK SHE DOES IT?! 'OH ONE OF MY FRIENDS IS FUCKING SAD LET ME JUST MOCK HER INTELLIGENCE!'" I stated mocking Leah well being a hypocrite.

  I heard a weird cat laugh and immediately knew that when I turned around half of the cats would be looking at me weird. So, I simply just didn't look at them.

  Putting out the milk and cat food I went back to my bedroom with two bowls of milk and two of cat food. Kicking the door wider I entered and met Red eyes.

  I walked over and set one bowl of each in front of Ronald and Red. I stood back up without a word and figured, hey, I'll get some work done since it usually clears my head.

  Well I was walking down to the shop I got stopped by two white cats. "What do you two need?" Angela looked over to the window. Following her gaze I saw Sebastian hitting the The lach to open the window. Outside the window? A bunch of fucking crows.

  "Sebastian." I said warning him, starting to walk over. "SEBASTIAN." I said a little louder. The black cat continued to hit the lach, his actions now gaining the others attention. "SEBASTIAN DONT YOU FUCKING DARE-!" I reached out to the cat and got to him in time to pick him up. But... not in time to stop the lach from giving way.

Black Butler Cats x Undertaker ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now