Chapter 1: Arrivals

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Felcia was a princess, the daughter of a Lord with many holdings. And like many daughters of lords with many holdings, her hand in marriage was a card to be played in the ever-revolving game of royal politics. Her marriage to the Crown Prince was of course a grand fanfare, but behind the veil of royalty, she carried a deep sadness. While generous, her husband's love was not deep. While comfortable, her days were not fulfilling. Felcia dreamt instead of those romantic adventures of story books, where life was full of color and possibilities. Even after having a child, a daughter named Luciana who brought her immense joy, a crystal of loneliness continued to grow within her.

A quiet evening comes. Little Luci is long asleep, the Crown Prince is off negotiating some alliance or another, and Felcia, once again with child, sits on her balcony overlooking a secret garden. A thick mist wends its way through quiet flowers, petals curled up for the night. She can't see much past the surrounding castle wall.

Alone above her garden, Felcia's mind drifts where her body cannot. Beyond the misty walls, beyond the royal boundaries, beyond the threads of family and duty that keep her bound where she is. She loves her daughter Luci of course, and already loves her child soon to arrive, but Felcia can't help but wish for something more. Someway to break free and wander, guided by nothing but the stars. To venture out beyond those castle walls, taking risks and seeing more than just ballrooms and battlements. She wishes especially for her children - for them to be unconstrained by the weight of duty, to somehow escape royal confinement and take wing through the wider world. Though the mist was soothing, Felcia's eyes well with the intensity of her wish. It might have been a prayer.

Something arrives.

Or someone. A faint glow just inside the garden wall, coalescing into something corporeal. It is a man, of sorts. Though hard to tell through the mist, his features appear pale and almost ghostly as he flows through the garden paths towards her balcony. But one thing she does not miss - could not miss - is his pair of wings. Great, angelic wings trail behind him, leaving eddies of swirling mist in his wake. Felcia has to lean over her balcony to follow his approach, not quite trusting her eyes and expecting this apparition to vanish between blinks. In a graceful whoosh of bright feathers, the figure launches himself up to Felcia's level, softly landing before her. Of course she is dreaming, but up close, this man, this... celestial being... he must have been born from the Stars themselves.

When Felcia wakes the following morning, the details of her dream are hard to remember. When the man spoke, his voice was gentle. When he reached to collect the fallen tear on her cheek, he was slow and careful. When his hand held hers, the faint glow where their skin touched grew slightly brighter. It made her feel warm despite the chill of the evening and her sorrow.

"Do not despair, cariña." The angel moved a hand to the swell of her belly and whispered, "Your daughter will take wing through the world. This I promise." His glowing hand grew brighter, warmer, until Felcia had to squint and turn her gaze away. This was the last piece she remembered from her strange dream, though upon waking, she found a delicate white feather tucked behind her ear.

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Weeks later, her second child arrives. Felcia expects nothing unusual; mostly, she is delighted that her dear Luci, an only child for four years, will finally have a sibling with whom to navigate this strange life. However when the child is born, it is clear this dream will never come to be.

Felcia and her husband both shared warm, caramel-tone skin, rich dark curls that were nearly black, and bright hazel green eyes, all of which shone through in Luci as well.

The child is delivered without much complication. However upon seeing the child, the midwife's breath catches, and she is silent.

"Is my child well?" Felcia breathes, still exhausted but eager to meet her newborn.

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