Chapter 4

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Because i love u guys i'mma work through my writers block and hopefully bring you something you can enjoy ^J^. You guys are the best followers EVA! *Sob* I'm glad i have followers like you~. :o)


Silence filled the apartment as Shizuo fled. Izaya place both palms on his reddening cheeks as he replayed what Shizuo had said - he never thought that anyone would call his eyes 'beautiful'. Miagi Looked on a knowing smirk on her face.

"Well someones haaaappy~" Sang Miagi skipping towards Izaya her Green eye flashing red as a plan to bring them closer.

"Stop before you even begin Miagi - you know it won't happen it was a mere slip of the tongue." Izaya dryly stated, his one good eye looking soulless as he spoke - believing everything he said was nothing more than fact. Miagi looked at Izaya her smirk turning smoothly into a frown.

"Don't say that." Miagi flicked Izaya in the fore head to emphasis her point. Izaya rubbed his fore head frowning disapprovingly at Miagi as she leaned down. 

"Well would you like a cup of tea and I shall start dinner 'cause u will be slightly unfocused." Miagi waved her dismissively as she made her way to the kitchen.


Shizuo breathed in the cigarette smoke hoping it would calm his beating heart. Shizuo's mind was muddled what had he just witnessed? All he knew was that Izaya's maroon eyes were not his real eye colour?  Shizuo sighed as the memory replayed in his head. He didn't think that'd he'd say what he was thinking out loud. Shizuo chocked on his cigarette's smoke as a blush spread on his face. Shizuo took a deep breath and looked out of the corner of his eye as he took another drag, deep in thought he didn't see Varona approach him from behind till see poked him in the back. Shizuo's back arched away reflectivly when she poked him giving him the appearance of an electrocuted cat.

"You are good no?" Varona asked a smile plastered on her face. Shizuo looked at her with a small smile.

"As good as I can get." Shizuo said his smile never faltering. Shizuo turned back to his cigarette and his thoughts as Varona just stood next to him letting the silence fill in the gap.

"Are you thinking of Izaya?" Varona suddenly asked breaking Shizuo's trail of thought. Shizuo spluttered and protested until Varona held her hand up for quite.

"You have that look on your face - it is like you are thinking about something that you love that you know will hurt you." Varona said as she waited for a reply from Shizuo.

"I don't love the Flee." Shizuo protested strongly only confusing himself more.  Varona patted his shoulder reassuringly.

"You will find the answer at the right time. I am sure of that." Varona lightly said as she left walking back to her place leaving Shizuo with his thoughts alone.

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