"Rival eliminated"

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Sora POV

This plan will work for sure! All I have to do is put the note on the girl's locker.....huh her name is Scarlett, that's a nice name I guess....

Scarlett POV

I went to my locker to get my Social Studies book, I noticed a note fell out. I picked up the note it said: 

"Hi Scarlett ,if  by any chance you are free, please come to this address (Insert abandoned restaurant address) tomorrow at 5:00 pm sharp I have a personal matter to discuss with you


Ok? I guess I'm going....... I wonder what this person would want to talk about...

The next day dismissal 3:00 pm

Sora POV

Looks like Scarlett fell for it, she doesn't know what's coming...... "Guys, I won't be able to do the video later..." I stated "Hm? Why not?" Alex asked "Oh! Uhh I have to help my parents with something, it might take an hour" I had to use it as an excuse "Oh ok" Jaxx replied, he's such a sweet guy, dont worry Jaxx, that girl wont bother you anymore.........

Scarlett POV 

I went to the address I was required to go to, its an........abandoned restaurant? What does this person want? I went inside the place "Hello? Is anybody here?" I asked, no response "hehehehee......" I heard....giggling? Im getting nervous, so I quietly said "What?"

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No one POV

Sora hit Scarlett from behind, she was surprisingly still conscious, there was blood dripping down her face....... Scarlett looked up at the guy who hit her, Sora was holding  a metal baseball bat "W-what do you want from me?" Scarlett nervously asked "Ahahaha......one thing, stay away from Jaxx, he's mine....." Sora laughed like a psychopath....Scarlett became scared, so scared she ran to the door she entered from, only realize it was locked, she started banging on the door screaming "HEELP! PLEASE!!! ANYONE?!" "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!Idiot.... this place is soundproof so no one can help you...hehehe..." Sora, being ready to kill her....."Wait......please no....NO! PLEASE!- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Sora hits her again and again laughing like no one's watching, Scarlett is now dead, yet he keeps on hitting her again and again......

Sora POV

"hahahahahaha....Jaxx wont love you anymore" i'll admit that was fun, but I have to clean up this place..... hm? her scarf looks nice.... I guess I could use this as a "reward" for finally getting her out of my way.....

I cleaned my mess(including the baseball bat), put her body in a garbage bag, took of my hoodie, and washed my bloody face with 2 water bottles I brought with me......I brought the garbage bag and the bloodstained hoodie to  the incinerator at the back of the restaurant, I burned them both, my hoodie was REALLY old, so me or my parents had nothing to do with it, I guess i'll leave now before my parents start looking for me, hehehehe.......my work here is finished.........

To be continued.....

Yandere Sora Inquisitormaster AUWhere stories live. Discover now