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You wake up beside nick. You get up and turn on the water. You undress and get into the hot water. Remembering the butterflies and feelings from last night. You finish up, brush your teeth and get dressed. When you leave the bathroom Nick seems to be waiting for you. "Good morning " he says groggily." "Good morning sleepy head." You say in a slight chuckle. You sit on the end of the bed with you hand on his leg. "You need to get up we have a job to do douche." "Fine." Nick says sarcastically. A few minutes later  Nick walks out of the bathroom ready to go. "Finally." You say sarcastically as you roll down your eyes and put your book down. 

You both walk out of the cabin toward the mess hall entering going your separate ways to you counselor table. You sit down. "I heard a bit of rustling coming from your cabin y/n." Says Joan jokingly. "Oh stop it!." You say jokingly. Everyone eats breakfast and go on to there separate jobs.    You go to help pass out shirts for color war with Joan. You see zingy walking towards camp angrily. You drop the t-shirts and walk over to Ziggy. "Hey you ok?" "yes I am just fine!" Ziggys say sarcastically. "Here, let go to the nurses office." You say. You both walk over to the nurses cabin. "Nurse lane? Nurse lane?" You say  "Nurse lane I could die any minute!" Ziggy says you try to hold in a laugh. You both walk over to her desk locking eyes with a open paged book. Ziggy picks it up and you both read the page "The witches mark you both say in a quiet whisper." "What are you doing?" Says nurse lane Ziggy drops the book immediately back onto the desk. "Nurse lane you scared the shit out of me." Says Ziggy. "Uh Ziggy got hurt and we thought you could help." You say quickly. "Ziggy Ziggy Ziggy what do we do." Says Nurse lane. You notice Nurse lane talking to ziggy  about ruby lane. You also notice her wrapping the bandage tighter and tighter. "Your hurting me!" Says ziggy. Nurse lane stop and cuts the bandage she talks to her about how to take care of it. Ziggy gets up. "Bye Nurse lane." "Bye Ziggy." Says Nurse lane "Thank you so much for your help." You say "No problem!" She replies back.

You both walk out of the cabin. "She seemed kind of don't you think?" Ziggy says "Yeah definitely, what was she saying about Ruby lane her daughter" You say "A bunch of random stuff how people can't just turn evil and kill a bunch of people." She replies back. "Interesting." You say. Ziggy walks away and you walk back to Joan. 30 minutes later 

Oh my god are you guys ok!? I heard happened!" You say frantically while running over to tommy and cindy "I'm fine the back of my head got hurt though, she is sure strong for small old women." Tommy says. Cindy stands beside him silently with a serious but disappointed look on her face. "You ok Cindy?" You say "Uh yeah..I'm jut a little shooken up thats all." she says quietly. You rub her arm. 

You go to get Tommy a ice pack when you notice nurse lane being taken away in a stretcher. "Hey!" Says nick "Oh hey!" You say "I just heard what happened is everything ok?" Says nick quickly "Yeah Tommy got hurt on the back of his head a little bit and Cindys just  shooken up luckily." You say "I'm glad everyone's ok." He says  "Me too." You reply back "shadersiders always have to cause problems am I right?" Nick says jokingly. "Are you fucking kidding me? Are you really going to blame this on us I can't believe you!" "Y/n I was just joking!" Says nick "Even if it was this isn't a joking moment! I can't believe you right now!" you say  angrily "Y/n-" says nick but you cut him off. "I don't wanna hear it! you push him away and walk angrily away. Leaving Nick standing there.

Everyone meets in the mess hall and everyone's talking about the Tommy incident. You grab a cup of ice water form the lunch station and bring it back to the counselor table. "Hey guys! Here I brought you this Tommy." You say handing him the iced water and ice pack. "Thanks he says groggily. Everyone tries  to comfort Tommy. When you hear Kurt yelling About color war and Joan making a speech too. "You sure your ok for color tonight Tommy?" Says Cindy Yeah I'll be fine!" He says quietly.

A few hours later.

Bored out of supervising color war you walk into the science and nature cabin. Your see Nick standing there bent over studying a snake in a big glass tank. "hey.." you say quietly "Oh hey." Replies nick. He gets up and walks towards you, he seems to study you for a moment. You look into his beautiful brown eyes and remember the feelings you felt when you first saw him. He clears his throat, "Hey I was meeting to talk to you..I'm really sorry y/n, I really don't know what go into me and I can't stand the feeling fo you being mad at me. You stand still still looking him in his eyes. "Y/n are you going to say anything?" He says. You quickly lean in and kiss him he cuffs you face a kisses back. "hopefully that said enough." You say swiftly. All of a sudden.."AHHH" you hear a blood curdling scream." You both immediately run out of the cabin towards the cabin where the screams were coming from. You both arrive at the cabin when you notice ziggy there too. Your stomach drops HES DEAD! NO JEREMY!  You hear all around you. You see a lifeless bloody corpse of a child, realizing it Jeremy. You feel sick to your stomach and run back to you cabin to throw up. So many things are going though your head as you lean over the toilet.

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