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As the clock strikes midnight, the sounds of celebration fill the air, with every household in the vicinity participating in Christmas festivities. At Chaeyoung's house, a small gathering is underway, with many of their neighbors joining in on the merriment. The dining room is packed with people, and a few more are milling around in the kitchen, chatting animatedly. Chaeyoung's mother is busy exchanging pleasantries with one of their neighbors, while Alice is holding court in the dining room, regaling the elderly with stories about her life and work.

Chaeyoung, on the other hand, is on a mission. She scans the crowded room, looking for a particular person, but to no avail. Disappointed but not surprised, she decides to take a breather from the commotion and heads to the living room, where she finds some children running around, giggling and chasing each other.

As she takes out her phone to check her messages, she sees that she has received a few emails and texts, most likely from her friends or colleagues. With a heavy heart, she realizes that she has to leave for LA tomorrow, and she's only here for Christmas Eve.

Looking outside, she sees that the house across the street is dark and quiet. Knowing that she can't leave on Christmas Eve, she decides to take a walk outside to clear her head. She bundles up in her warmest jacket and puts on a beanie to protect her from the chilly night air. As she steps outside, she notices her shoes, which she always leaves outside, and gently knocks on the door. When there's no response, she reaches into her pocket and retrieves a key, wondering if it still works. To her relief, it does, and she lets herself in.

The house is dark, but she can make out the familiar surroundings. Her feet instinctively lead her to the back of the house, where a large glass door opens out to the backyard. The outside is blanketed with snow, creating a peaceful, wintry landscape. The only sound is a soft melody emanating from inside the house, adding to the serene atmosphere.

As she steps inside, she sees Jisoo, reclining in a chair, with a book on her lap, staring out at the snowy landscape. Her expression is neutral, and Chaeyoung can't quite read her thoughts. The dim light shining from outside illuminates the interior of the house, casting a melancholy glow on everything.

Chaeyoung's heart aches as she looks around the quiet, dark house. It's the opposite of the lively, bright atmosphere in her own home. Laughter, music, and the clinking of glasses can be heard from the neighboring houses, but here, the only sound is the soft music playing in the background.

The absence of festive decorations makes it even more apparent that Jisoo has chosen to isolate herself from the holiday cheer. Chaeyoung can't help but notice the only sign of celebration in the room is a painting she gave to Jisoo, sitting on the couch.

Wanting to avoid startling her, Chaeyoung approaches slowly, until Jisoo finally turns her head to look at her. Chaeyoung kneels beside her, and their eyes meet at the same level. She places her hand on top of Jisoo's, and her heart races as she musters the courage to speak.

"Please ask me to stay this time," Chaeyoung says, her voice trembling. Jisoo's eyes well up with tears, as if they had been waiting to fall for so long. "I've achieved my dreams, and now I want to reclaim my happiness."

"You don't have to," Jisoo responds, her voice almost a whisper.

Chaeyoung refuses to let her words deter her. "You told me about the ring yesterday, how it's something to let go or hold on to. I have the option, but I can't stay if I don't even know how you feel... Do you still love me?"

Jisoo meets her gaze with a mix of emotions that Chaeyoung struggles to read. "If you do... please ask me to stay because I will."

Jisoo takes a deep breath and looks away. "Don't give anything up."

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