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credits to the twitter skeng guy who shared this with everyone..
ah yes please do notice the comment in the cursed picture.

Next Day

In every school, there are some dumb boys who will stand in the hallway block the way and start gossiping like a girl. Bruh like do some homework or clean the toilets of the school or maybe like attend extra classes if you got so much free time. In ANHS here, we got 2 boys gossiping after watching a magenta haired boy walking with his hands in his pocket.

"hey.. is that him?"

"yeah that's the guy, the hair, the face, everything matches with the info we got from our client"

"should we kidn-

"shhh be quiet, he might hear us! we need to do the deed very quietly"

"don't say it like that, deed sounds wrong here"


"ofc it is"

"why not you go and ask him to come with us nicely?"

"don't joke around like that, do you think i'm an idiot?!"

"well you talk like an idiot and you also look like an idiot.. so i think YES YOU are an idiot miyamoto"

"Shitamoto: you're my friend so that means you're also an idiot okitani"

Okitani: that's right.. but at least we aren't dumb like the dumbass trio. By the way where's the 3rd idiot of our group?"

Shitamoto: "you mean honou? how would i know? i'm not his assistant"

Okitani: "then how could we continue the filming of our film 3 idiots? our 3rd idiot isn't here and we haven't even asked him for the main head's role"

If you haven't watched 3 idiots then go and watch it.

"move out of the way extras" The magenta haired boy kicked the extras? trash? whatever out of the way.

Shitamoto: "ughhh we aren't extras! we are the main characters!"

Okitani: "aah!"

let's ignore okitani's weird voice as our magenta haired suspect who most possibly changed someone's preference started walking towards his class.

Class C

"haah.. when will Ryuuen-sama come?" a famous gyaru of class c asked to her friend.

"we have sent some of our girls to look after him, so don't worry" her friend that has the cursed name yama something replied..

look i don't remember so use your brain and understand! because i can't, i've locked up mine in a very safe place.

"aaah! Ryuuen-sama~" the glasses boy with mushroom hair of class c was dreaming something which shouldn't be disclosed as it's harmful for normal people.

Hiroya: "ishizaki, wake that four eyes up. i don't want him to continue that dream"

Ishizaki: "haah? why should I wake him up?! i'm not his nanny"

Hiroya: "oh yeah you're Ryueen's nannny"

Class C door opens and Ryuuen enters while someone plays the boss music in background.

Ryuuen: "stop that music or i'll play the coffin dance for you"

"kyaaah~ Ryuuen-sama!!"
some girls and a few boys too squealed watching him enter the class.

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