A New Land

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I appeared in a blinding golden flash next to Hermes. We were just outside of the throne room of Asgard, which was strange because I had meant to flash directly into the room. Two heavily armored guards at the open doors already had their spears trained on Hermes, but as I appeared, one of them turned their gleaming blade at me as well.

"Stop," A powerful voice flowed like waves across the throne room. I glanced in and saw a white-haired man seated upon the throne. "These are my guests. Let them through."

The guards slowly moved back to their positions at either side of the looming doorframe.

Hermes just smirked slightly at the whole ordeal and strode into the room. I followed a step behind him, perfectly comfortable with him being Olympus' spokesperson. Honestly, I'd never gotten used to these kinds of formal godly meetings. I found them a stupid waste of time. The gods' would argue for days without coming to any sort of conclusion and at the same time, their children would be getting slaughtered by monsters. Also back in my demigod days, Zeus usually tried to get the majority of the council to vote to kill me, so that's another reason I disliked them.

As we walked down the center of the throne room, I glanced around the room and began to wonder if the Asgardians found gold sacred or something because it decorated nearly every wall, piece of furniture, and even the Asgardians clothing.

My eyes eventually raked over the figures standing at the base of the throne. There was a lovely looking woman that had a very motherly aura, a boldly dressed blond man with what looked like a hammer, and a man with hair as dark as mine. My gaze locked momentarily with the last man. His green eyes showed an endless display of emotions that caught my curiosity. They were so similar to my own. Sad and lonely, but hidden under a mask.

"Welcome, representatives of Olympus, to Asgard." The man on the throne said as we stopped several feet away. I recoiled Zeus said his name was Odin or the Allfather, but that was as much as we knew as Olympus and Asgard had never really had much contact with each other and whenever they did, it always seemed to end in fighting.

"Thank you for having us, Lord Odin," My cousin said with a respectful incline of his head. "I am Hermes, the Olympian god of messengers and travelers along with several other things. My father, Zeus, is looking forward to forming an alliance with you."

I raised an eyebrow when Hermes didn't mention he was also the god of thieves.

"Yes, well that remains to be seen. I am still unsure if an alliance with Olympus will be beneficial to Asgard." Odin said with narrowed eyes. I was getting the impression that the Allfather was a very harsh man, but at the same time, my primary domain was telling me that Odin cared deeply for his people.

Before Odin could say anything more, the woman stepped forward, quickly throwing a frown at Odin before gently smiling at Hermes and me.

"Either way, it is still good to have you two. I am Frigga, Odin's wife, and these are our sons, Thor and Loki." The woman said pointing out the two other gods standing with her.

My eyes once again met and locked on Loki's. He smiled ever so slightly at me before my attention was drawn back to Frigga.

"Who might you be, dear?" She asked me. I suddenly felt very emotional in front of her. All my life, I'd played the role of the fearless leader. I'd been forced to grow up way too fast as I was pretty much seen as an adult after I survived my first quest, and yet she managed to see the vulnerable child tucked deep within me. She reminded me so much of my own mother that I couldn't help but smile at her as I answered.

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