The bite with Micheal

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November 8th, 1983, Fredbear's Family Diner. 2 months before Elizabeth will get taken by Circus Baby, her and Devon's birthday. 4:19 P.M

Devon was looking at Fredbear and Springbonnie with fear on his face. He let out a tired yawn as his friend Rose came up to him. Two minutes later Micheal and his friends came up to them and started bullying Devon. They carried him to Fredbear to put his head in his mouth and Micheal stopped them. "Bro this isn't what we agreed on!" he said. "What are you pussying out!?" "No I'm not gonna put my little brothers head in the mouth of an animatronic he's scared of." "Then you put your head in since you want the crybaby safe!" "I will!" Micheal puts his head in Freadbear's mouth but a springlock came loose causing him to get his frontal lobe bit off. Fredrick knew he would get in trouble so he blamed it on Devon. 2 months go by since Micheal died and Devon had enough he just got back from a mental hospital where he was experimented on. Abused by William again he grabbed a knife, took off his eyepatch revealing his blind eye and stabbed himself in the chest with his eyes closed. Nightmare Foxy was watching it all from the closet. *I need to do something* and with that he ran out of the closet to Devon and checked his pulse...nothing not even a faint heartbeat. As Devon was ascending he felt a pull. The pull hadn't come from his body but from Nightmare Foxy. The pull got so strong he went inside and turned back into himself.  "Where am I?" he said as he looked around the darkness. "Your mind." a black and white figure steps into view, "Don't be afraid I mean no harm. Let me make it easier for you to see." The mysterious figure  clears away the darkness and starts to show form of Nightmare Foxy. "Who are you?" The figure starts to walk towards Devon changing into Nightmare Foxy as he moves. "The names Nightmare Foxy kid. The nightmare of your closet. The animatronic you possess now." "What!? N-no I should be dead not possessing an animatronic. How did this even happen?" "I checked your pulse and I think you got pulled inside me. Why'd you do it?" "I'm hated by everyone for something I never did. My so called father abuses me and he sent me a mental hospital. Elizabeth cares but I don't know if it's an act or if she actually cares." "I see." Slowly everything starts to disappear. "Your waking up. I'll be here in your mind just think and I'll answer." Devon awoke from the sound of pounding on his door. He quickly got up grabbed the knife and hid it. He proceeds to do the same to his lifeless body but sees it was gone. Brushing it off he puts his eyepatch on and opens the door. "What." "Daddy's taking me to work with him, wanna come?" "No." Devon says as he starts to close the door only for it to be stopped by a foot. "Please Devon I'm worried about you. You never leave your room and if you do it's only for a short time. So please come with me?" "Ugh fine just let me get ready." Elizabeth moves her foot and allows him to close the door. With that done he makes his way to his closet where he picks out a pair of black converse shoes and Micheal's Foxy Mask. Since he died Devon kept it as a memory of him. -Hey kid.- -My name is Devon. What do you want Nightmare Foxy?- -You got your wings and tail better hide them.- -How?- -Think of them disappearing.- Devon does that and they disappear. -Thanks Nightmare Foxy.- -Just call me Foxy and your welcome kid-  Devon opens the door and walks out to the car. He gets in and they head to CBPW.

That's all for today. Hope you enjoyed the story.

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