Saving a soul

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BlackStar's POV
We returned to the DWMA and immediately went to the death room. "HEYA KIDDOS GOOD TO SEE YA! I see you have completed your mission, how're the kids? I wasn't expecting so little of them." We hung our heads, "Yes father, many perished before we even got there." Said Kid "Ah I see." said Death, "Alright thank you for bringing them to us, we'll take care of them from here." as a teacher came in to take the 5 kids and settle them with miesters and housing. "1... 2... 3... 4... Where's the 5th one?" Death counted off. I felt a little hand on my back and the little pink haired girl, Uh Annie I think, was cowering behind me, "She's right here sir, she's going to go with us, BlackStar made a promise that we'd take care of her, isn't that right BlackStar?" She smiled, I turned red and looked down, I didn't want anyone to think I was going soft, "Yeah yeah." I replied, "Alright you two, good luck, you may leave now." Death said as we walked out.
"Bye guys." said Maka as Tsubaki, me, and Annie headed to our place, Tsubaki pulled out her key and unlocked the door to our small apartment. "Okay Annie, I'll take you to get cleaned up." Tsubabi said as she led her into the bathroom.
Tsubaki's POV
I turned on the water and filled up the bath, "Alright, just call me in when you're done okay?" I said with a small smile, she slightly smiles and nods as I back out of the room and shut the door. I walked into the living room where BlackStar was lounging around, "BlackStar all my nightgowns are down to my feet, she's too short, I'm afraid she'll trip and hurt herself, you're gonna have to let her use one of your shirts." I said to my partner and best friend, "Yeah sure, they're in my middle drawer." He replied hardly looking up from the television, I walked into BlackStar's room, which was surprisingly neat, I grabbed a black shirt with a blue star on it from his drawer. I walked out just in time to see Annie poking her head out of the bathroom door, I went in with the shirt, she was wrapped in a towel and looked so small. "Here you can put this on, I'll turn around" I handed her the shirt and turned around, I turned back around after the the shuffling stopped. "Here sit down," I said and began to run a comb through her pale pink hair, I had to be careful because there were so many painful looking welts and burns all over her scalp, it was sickening to think that someone would do this to another human being. Trying to break the silence I begin with, "I hope you like it here, you'll be going to school with us after you recover, so just rest up okay?" I said with a smile, she nods. Getting her to talk was a bit difficult, but I'm sure she'd come around.
BlackStar's POV
I saw Annie walk out of the bathroom, dressed in my T shirt, her long hair hanging over her big brown eyes, those eyes, there was something fascinating about her eyes. Now that she was cleaned up I really got a look at her, her skin was pale, her hair was actually a really pretty color, she was definately malnourished but that could be fixed in time, her eyes had dark circles, but those were also temporary. She was actually a really pretty girl. "Hey." I said, she waved shyly, "Do you want something to eat?" She nodded eagerly, I went into the kitchen and brought out a sandwitch and some water, which she accepted and ate, we sat there watching the tv for a few hours, there was no use in getting her to speak. Tsubaki came from her room moment later and spoke to her, "None of my clothes will fit you, but my friend Maka who's closer to your size brought some of her old stuff for you to wear until we can get you some actual clothes of your own. I'll set them down here." she placed them next to the couch that was made up for her to sleep on. I stretched out big and said, "Well you're probably tired and a big star like me needs sleep, so goodnight." Me and Tsubaki were walking to our separate rooms, when I heard, "Uh guys..." I turned around, "Thank you." she said and for the first time I think I saw a genuine smile. It was a nice smile, I think I'd like to see it more often I thought as I drifted off to sleep.

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