Chapter 1(Percy's P.O.V.)

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Another day in Goode High School. Another day full of bullies, cheerleaders, and jocks. I hate it. But I knew one thing. I knew that my girlfriend was gonna be here. The hallways went quiet as I was walking and I stopped, turning around.

Annabeth was walking down the hall, her hair in curls resting on her shoulders. She had grey eyeshadow on but nothing more. She didn’t need it. The jocks looked away from their conversations and a few whistled at her. She rolled her eyes and one of them had the guts to say something.

“Hey beautiful. Wanna hang out later?”

    I’ll admit, that made me jealous. I ran over to Annabeth but before I could hug her a jock pulled me away.

    “Go away nerd. She’s too good for you. Isn’t that right gorgeous?”

    Annabeth glared daggers at him. “My name is Annabeth and leave him alone.”

    “He’s a loser. You can do better.”

    Her voice was scarily calm. “You wanna know what I think?”

    He smirked. “Sure.”

    Before I knew what was happening, Annabeth’s lips were on mine. My mind raced with a million thoughts and she pulled away, looking back at him.

“I think I missed my boyfriend.”

I grinned as the jocks stood there stunned. I turned to her and kisses her cheek. “I missed you too Wise GIrl.”

“Your boyfriend?! What, was dating him a dare or something?”
    I rolled my eyes. “I highly doubt that two years was a dare.”

I felt something hit me hard in the chest and I flew back into a set of lockers. I looked up wearily and Annabeth’s eyes flashed with anger. She grabbed the jocks and and judo flipped him, stepping hard on his chest.

“Never hurt him. I mean it.”’

I tried to stand but fell back down. I groaned in pain and Annabeth ran over to me.

“You okay Perce?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah, I just hit my head, that’s all.”

She tried to help me up but as soon as I put pressure on my left foot, I bit back a cry.

Annabeth sighed. “Your foot is probably broken, Seaweed Brain.”

“Well I’ve had too much ambrosia this week.”

“Why did you--”

“Let’s just say this isn’t the first time this has happened.”

“You mean this has happened before?!”
    I nodded slowly. “Just don’t worry about it, okay? Let’s just go to the nurse.”

She nodded and wrapped an arm around my waist so that I didn’t put any pressure on my left foot. She helped me down to the nurse and opened the door, sitting me down on one of the cots.

“So, my first day here you manage to break your foot and you probably have a concussion.”
    I laughed a little. “Hey, this just means that I’ll have you to take care of me.”

That caused her to laugh. “You wish.”

“So you won’t take care of me?”

She shook her head and I pout. “Perseus don’t you dare pout.”

I continued to pout and she sighed. “You do realize that I can’t say no to your pout?”

I looked up at her. “And why would that be?”

Going to Goode High (Percabeth Smut)Where stories live. Discover now