Chapter one

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(If I make any grammar mistakes please tell me lol)

Gingerbrave didn't know what had gotten into him. It seemed like it was just a few days ago when he felt completely fine, but recently he has started to feel... weird... and it just so happens that the main source of these feeling were caused by his best friend, Wizard Cookie.
Gingerbrave has never felt this way about anyone before. He gets nervous and flustered around Wizard Cookie. Hanging out with Wizard Cookie— or even just the thought of wizard cookie was enough to send a million butterflies in Gingerbraves stomach. His face becomes so red and hot it feels like he's going to evaporate into thin air at any second. Had Wizard Cookie cursed him?
Gingerbrave tried to retrace his memories to see if he had done anything that could've lead to Wizard Cookie cursing him... maybe it was that one time he'd-

"Huh?" Gingerbrave was brought back to reality when the voice of his friend spoke.
"Are you alright, Gingerbrave? You zoned out for a second." Wizard Cookie asked Gingerbrave, worry a
rising in his voice
"Huh? Oh no yeah—I'm good!" Gingerbrave manages to stutter out, extremely embarrassed he was caught drifting in his own thoughts. He hadn't even realized he had zoned out.
"Are you positive? You've been doing that a lot around recently." Wizard cookie asked with slight concern on his face, inching closer towards Gingerbrave.
"No really— I'm fine!! Just thinking about, uh, you know, stuff! Haha!" Gingerbrave says back to him, slowly backing away from Wizard Cookie.
Wizard Cookie pulls away and places himself back to where he was originally sitting.
"Okay..." Wizard Cookie starts, clearly still doubting Gingerbraves words but deciding not to pry any further "as I was saying— Strawberry
Cookie and I are going to head to the kingdom to see DJ Cookies live concert, personally I'm not that big of a fan of them but strawberry cookie really wants me to come along! Do you want to go with us? I'm sure strawberry cookie won't mind."
"Ah! I'd love to! I've never heard of DJ cookie or their music before but I'd love to try something new!" Gingerbrave exclaimed.
"That's great! I can get you a ticket and we can all meet up there, does that sound good to you?" Wizard cookie asked, starting to stand up off the floor both him and Gingerbrave were sitting on.
"Yeah that sounds amazing! I can't wait to go!" Gingerbrave smiled as he started to stand up as well.
"Okay, well I'll be leaving now! Cinnamon Cookie has been pestering me all day to go over to the circus so he can show me a new trick he'd learned—however last time he tried to show me a trick there, Choco the Monkey went missing for a week... hmm, now that I'm thinking about it I might regret going later... this better not be a waste of my time!" Wizard cookie finished as he waved goodbye when he left gingerbraves house.
"Okay.. Bye wizard cookie!" Gingerbrave yelled back, also waving goodbye.

As soon as wizard cookie had left, Gingerbrave dove onto his bed, squealing like he was a middle school girl.
"What's wrong with me lately?! I can't help but act weird around wizard cookie! Even he's noticed it!! Maybe I'm sick? Augh this is so confusing!" Gingerbrave says to himself angrily kicking around his bed in both frustration and confusion.

Gingerbrave rn:

He grabs a pillow and holds it close to his face

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He grabs a pillow and holds it close to his face. "Maybe I should ask Strawberry Cookie or Gingerbright? They seem to know a lot about stuff, and there's no way I'm asking wizard cookie— that's way too embarrassing!!!" Gingerbrave was upset. He wanted to know what these strange feelings were! He knew Wizard Cookie would know the answer to his problem, but as previously stated, Gingerbrave is too much of a wimp to actually ask him.
Gingerbrave comes to a conclusion, he's going to ask strawberry cookie during DJ cookies concert! Strawberry cookie knows a lot, she's so cool!!

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