Chapter One: First Day

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BUUUUUZ! "Hello everybody i am your homeroom teacher, miss.Henderson". "lets start by getting into a circle so we can get to know each other". Said miss.Henderson. everybody got into a circle and i saw a girl across from me, she looked amazing, she was wearing a navy blue tee-shirt with a pair of blue jeans, she had a pair of black glasses, she had beautiful brown hair to. everybody said their name and something they like to do. It was her turn. "hey, my name is Jessica and um i like drawing I guess aha". Then a few more people, now me. "hi, my name is Lucas, and my favorite thing to do is play soccer". then miss.Henderson told us to put our chairs back to the desks. "okay, i put your seating plan up on the board please go sit were it says. Yes! Jessica is sitting close to me. "hey, Lucas, I'm Anthony remember me? yeah we were on the same soccer team right? I saw you looking at Jessica lol, do you like her? Anthony asked. "Um well shes pretty". "I think that girl, Zoe looks pretty". Anthony said. "Hey Jessica right, what's up"? I asked. "Sitting in class, lol". Said Jessica "Lol, Wanna hang out at lunch"? I asked. "Yeah sure, your cute um sorry that came out"... Said Jessica. "Its ok i find you pretty cute too". I said. Then we both started to blush. RIIIIIING!

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