The Plea of the Deku Tree

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"Navi... Navi, where art thou, come hither...", the Great Deku Tree called out as a small fairy flew up towards him, "oh, Navi the fairy... listen to my words, the words of the Deku Tree... dost thou sense it; the climate of evil descending upon this realm... malevolent forces even now are mustering to attack our land of Hyrule... for so long, the Kokiri Forest, the source of life, has stood as a barrier; deterring outsiders and maintaining the order of the world, but... before this tremendous evil power, even my power is as nothing... it seems the time has come for the children without fairies to begin their journey... the youths whose destinies are to lead Hyrule to the path of justice and truth... Navi... go now, find our young friends and guide them here to me... I do not have much time left; fly, Navi, Fly, the fate of the forest, nay, the world, depends upon thee",

With the Deku Tree's words in mind, Navi flew away, away from the Deku Tree's sanctuary, and towards Kokiri Forest; there, many children, no older than 11 were around, flying around the forest, Navi immediately spotted the two children without fairies, one was asleep as the other was walking towards the sleeping boy.

"Hey, wake up", Kate called out, only for Link to turn over, facing away from Kate, still asleep, in which, she began to shake him awake, "and I thought I was the heavy sleeper, wake up",

"...I'm up", Link muttered, sitting up

"You ok", Kate asked

"Yeah, sorry for falling asleep", Link said, rubbing his eyes

"It's alright", Kate said, as the two got up, and right before they could move, a fairy flew towards them

"Hello, Link, Kate", Navi greeted, making the two shocked

"A fairy", Link shouted in excitement

"We finally got one", Kate added

"I'm Navi the fairy; the Great Deku Tree asked me to be your partner from now on, nice to meet you", Navi greeted

"Nice to meet you too, Navi", Kate greeted

"The Great Deku Tree has summoned you two, so let's get going", Navi stated as Link and Kate nodded their heads, and began running towards the Deku Tree's sanctuary, and approached the Great Deku Tree.

"Great Deku Tree, I'm back", Navi announced

"Oh... Navi... thou hast returned... Link, Kate... welcome", the Great Deku Tree greeted

"What happened", Link asked in concern

"Listen carefully to what I; the Deku Tree, am about to tell thee...", the Great Deku Tree stated, "thy slumber these past moons must have been restless, and full of nightmares... as the servants of evil gain strength; a vile climate pervades the land and causes nightmares to those sensitive to it... verily, thou hast felt it... Link, Kate, the time has come to test thy courage... I have been cursed... I need you two to break the curse with your wisdom and courage; does thou have the courage to undertake this task",

"Yeah", Link said,

"I believe so", Kate said,

"Then enter, Link, Kate, and thou too, Navi... thou must aid Link and Kate...", the Great Deku Tree said, opening a way inside him; Link and Kate looked at each other, unsure of what would be waiting inside, yet, their fears seemed to be pushed away; nodding their heads, the two ran inside, inside, rather than wood, everything seemed to be stone, then, a rustling noise was heard

"The stone... where is it",

"Who was that", Kate whispered, unsure of what they just walked into

"Up there", Link whispered back, pointing up towards the ceiling; there, a monster was moving around, then stopped once it noticed them, and dropped down to the ground, slowly moving towards them

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