Chapter 7: Happiness

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The fangs are still outside the mouth as before, evil, there is even red human blood and human flesh on the fangs! His eyes were still rolled, and there were no pupils. How come being promoted to the first level is different from her being promoted to the first level, well, she admits that she is a strange existence among the zombies.

    Since there were a lot of zombies in it, the oil in the warehouse was still there, so Su Yue directly put the iron bucket into the warehouse. I left the warehouse and saw some snacks scattered on the floor of the convenience store at the gas station, but it was stained with black and red blood, and even brains, uh, forget it, let’s leave it to other survivors who passed by here!

    After leaving the gas station, Su Yue drove towards the center of H. She remembered there was a gas station there. Of course, all of the storefronts Su Yue on the way to the city center did not intend to let it go.

    So Su Yue abandoned his private car and walked all the way, passing by a shop, no matter if you are a fruit shop, underwear shop, library, supermarket, clothing shop, furniture shop, everything is gone. Do not stay. It was even cleaner than a devil entering the village.

    Huh? Happiness store? Su Yue walked in with a little curiosity, Su Yue only felt his face flushed and hot, thinking that Su Yue was a serious girl! But I haven't even had a boyfriend! Where did she see this battle! Now suddenly a whole room of these things appeared in front of her, which really made her unable to parry!

    But it just left like this, and it seemed a bit pity. Thinking of this, Su Yue looked around involuntarily, and saw that she was the only one, and finally hurriedly waved his hand and took it all into the space!

    After receiving it, I walked out without looking back. No one saw it anyway, and my sister was not afraid of being laughed at! Then go to continue to collect other things arrogantly.

    Su Yue is now a Level 3 zombie, with various perception abilities and speeds much faster, so it only took four hours to search for things to the gas station.

    I looked at my watch. It was 12 o'clock noon. No wonder I was hungry. I took out a piece of beef from the space and stuffed it directly into my mouth. It tasted better than pork! More chewy!

    This gas station here has not been scoured. After all, it is in the city center and there are many people around. It happens to be a square next to it. There are many people doing morning exercises here every morning, plus the nearby vegetable market. The most densely populated place, so the end of the world is coming, and there are many zombies here.

    As a result, there was still a lot of gasoline at this gas station, and Su Yue did not hesitate to collect all of it. Anyway, no survivor had a convulsive head in this place. He even came here to refuel. Waste, we must know that waste is shameful, so we should take it all for ourselves.

    Since you want to leave City H and go to Province D, you must have a detailed map. If you want to say that the map is the most complete and most detailed place, it is naturally a government department.

    With a wave of Su Yue's hand, a blue off-road vehicle appeared next to Su Yue and released another barrel of oil, commanding the zombie brother to fill up the car and take the remaining oil back into the space. There is no way, the clothes are changed, they are easy to get dirty, they are not easy to wash if they get dirty!

    I wanted to drive the car all the way, but when I saw the various shops on the roadside, Su Yue put the off-road vehicle into the space again, and continued to waste shameful thoughts on the large and small supermarkets and clothing on the roadside. Shops, pharmacies, optical shops, shoe shops... all swept away like a ghost entering the village.

    It only takes 20 minutes to drive to the government building and 40 minutes to walk to the government building. It took Su Yue three hours to reach the destination. Of course, the gains from this road are worth walking for a few hours.

    Su Yue sighed and looked at the luxurious and majestic government building in the past. After experiencing the end of the world, it was already messy at this time. The blood and internal organs of the corpse were everywhere. It looked lifeless and more frightening than the haunted house.

    Although the government was messy, Su Yue still found a detailed map of all parts of the country. Of course, apart from the missing maps, there is really nothing useful. After all, the government must have removed the useful things inside when the government evacuated.

    After getting the map, Su Yue didn't search anything anymore. There were already a lot of things searched. The most important thing now is to hurry to D province and meet his mother.

    Su Yue took the blue off-road vehicle out of the space again, and was about to get on the car, but suddenly frowned and turned to look at the zombies that could be seen everywhere. She finally knew why she felt something was wrong.

    Animals, it has been 15 days since December 21st, 2012 to January 4th, New Era. Except for the first collection of domestic animals, she has never seen animals around again. , Spiders, mice, these common animals are gone!

    Although a large number of animals were eaten by zombies in the early end of the world, it is impossible to extinct them all. Since all living species like humans have mutated, then animals are also living species and cannot die out.

    Looking at the surrounding plants, Su Yue's brows became tighter, and she had a bad premonition in her heart, hoping it wasn't what she thought it would be.

    Forget it, Su Yue decided that she didn't want so much. Soldiers came to block the water and cover up. Some things were beyond her control, but she had to improve her strength faster.

    After getting on the off-road vehicle, Su Yue drove from the same road to the car sales market, preparing to leave H city from there. After all, the government started from there. As long as she followed the government’s road, the roads should be all If it is unobstructed, there is no need to waste time waiting for the zombies to clear the road.

    Driving unimpeded all the way, Su Yue finally left the area of ​​City H at 7 o'clock in the afternoon. He is now in City M next to City H. No survivor was seen on this road, and it turned out to be the province F with the most zombies.

    Su Yue parked the car on the road, directly took out two large pieces of beef, ate a few bites, and then continued on the road. She had to rejoice again for the zombies' physique. After driving for a few hours, she had no burden at all.

    Galloping all night, Su Yue finally passed through M City and V City on the morning of January 5th, and reached the junction of Province F and Province W. Fengyu Base was built here in Qionghai. The city’s military base.

    I will leave Province F soon, and I will definitely meet survivors. It seems that she can't just take raw meat out of the space and eat it directly. It is better to pay attention to the identity and space of the zombie is her fatal point.

    Thinking of this, Su Yue took out a large backpack from the space, and filled the backpack with some noodles, canned meat, snacks, and other odds andpurposen the future, when there are people, all things will be taken from this backpack. What is not in the backpack will be taken from the space through the cover of the backpack.

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