The Morining

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Hello.This is my second oublished book,hope you like it!!

-bad grammar
- sad
-maybe a little funny

Okay let's start

It was sunny day and yet Mother's day.Adrien was sleeping when suddenly-

Adrien's POV:

I was peacefully sleeping when i heard BEEP!! BEEP!! BEEP!! ,,*groans* is...Mother's Day.I  remebered, as Plagg started yelling I NEED CAMEMBERTT!!! I tossed him some camembert.Then do my  the morning routine and got ready for school.I was thinking that father remembered this day bc(i am lazy so this is just a short form from beacuse :) ) last year he...didn't .I went down the stairs and eat breakfeast but father didn't remember*sigh*again. I came in front of school when Nino aproached me ,,Hey mah, dudee wassup?" ,,Nothing much i just came"
We then come to class and sit on our usually seats.

Marinette's POV:
I  got ready for school and  gave my mother present,eat breakfeast then quikly go to school. I meeted with Alya and started talking but.....something is just not right......mehh whatever probably nothing.Me and Alya then came in classroom and sit waiting for our teacher.
,,Okay class so i guess everyone knows what day is today right?" Ms.Bustier said then the class yelled MOTHER'S DAY!! But i saw Adrien looking down and i know the reason....his mum is dead or in coma idk. Ms.Bustier started speaking some stories about mothers and how happy we can be bc we have them.I started smiling like everyone does but Adrien only sad smiled i could swear i saw some tears in his eyes so i then said,,Ms.Bustier can umm me and Adrien exit this classroom for five minutes?" Then she said of course and i quikly dragged Adrien out of the class he said,,Why did you do that?"he looked me in soo sad eyes that i actually could cried but instead i-

Adrien's POV:
  ,,Why did you do that"i asked her.I didnt mean for the question to sound rude but it did anyways.She stood in front of me and started at me like i had grown two heads.Then she hugged and said how sorry she was for me.I hugged her back tightly and she tightened her grip on me too.She sat on the floor and monitoined me to sit in front of her.I did as she asked and she hugged me from behind and i layed down so i could let my head down to her lap.I looked uo at her making sure i didnt make her uncomfortable.She smiled warmingly at me and said,,Its okay Adrien"I smiled weakly at her and outted my head back to her lap.2minutes later i started sobbing and she played with my hair and hugged me with her other hand.She wispered some sweet words and said that she will always be there for me.I started sobbing even louder.My whole life i wasnt supposted to cry because since my mother father become distant and would everyday scold me for ,getting A- and i was supposted to be an Agreste,how im weak,how Agrestes dont cry he once called me useless because i couldnt do a photoshot right.I spilled all my emotions and cried as hard as i could.She playing with my hair and hugging was my first time someone ever comforted me since my mother dissapiered.It felt.....warm,soothing and comforting.We stayed like this for 2hours.Which meant that we missed two lessons.We gor back to class and no one questioned anything bc they saw my swollen eyes.We got back to seat and started listening to lesson.Once it was over i maded my way out of school and pulled out my phone.I read the message from Nathalie ,,Good Morning,Adrien.I wanted to tell you that me and your father are going to Tokyo bc of some buisniss problem.We would be there for six months.Gorilla would be able to drive you back home since he is sick.Goodbye Adrien." I sigh.Of course,i should have known.I walked to my house and maded my way upstairs in my room to do my homework.
Marinette's POV:
Once the lessons have ended i quikly runned to my house,kissed my parents's cheeks,grabbed some sweets and got to my room.I grabbed sweets and a pen and began writing some  bakery puns hoping that it would make adrien happy.I grabbed on of the dolls which was white waiting for me to draw on her.I drawed her clothes and face and sew her hair.,,Andddd....Voula!"i maded my way to my trapdoor and transformed into Ladybug,,Oh!I almost forgot!" I got back to my room and wrapped those gifts in some happy colours like blue,red,yellow and green.I also writed him one message and signed up.I used my yoyo and swinged myself to the closes buliding to Adrien's house.I saw him walking through the door and i quikly flew through the window.I placed all of my gifts on his table where there stood his computer.I heard the door opening and quikly went outside through the window.I jumped back to my house and detransformed.I did my homework and jumped on my bed and started thinking.,,I hope he likes my present."That was my last thought before i fell asleep.

Adrien's POV:

I walked into my room and saw some presents on my desk.I opened the smaller ones first.In them there was some sweets and puns on them.I smiled warmly when i saw it was from marinette.But i couldnt help but wonder ,How did he got here before me?,She probably runned to my backdoor of the house and leaved these here.Then i saw the biggest gift.I opened it to see a doll that looked like picked her out and noticed a note.I started reading it:

,,Hey,Adrien.I know that its very hard for you rn.So i maded you a doll that looks like your mom so that whenever you need a hug or youre just feeling sad you can hug the doll.I hope you feel better than in class.:)
P.S.-If youre wondering how did i got in the house before you here is my answer:A magician never reveals trick ;)."

I smiled softly and cried while holding the doll.,I can bealive someone would do this for ME.I mean i knew she was a wonderful person but i never thought she would do this for someone like me,
I thought.I cried half an hour more then went to do my homework.I finished my homework and went to sleep.

The Next Day


o ones POV:

The next day Adrien waked up and started to get ready to school.I arrived at school and waited for Marinette to come since i wanted to thank her.
Marinette was still sleeping when Tikki waked her up ,,MARINETTE WAKE UP ADRIEN IS HERE!" ,,GAHH ADRIEN IS HERE?!WHY DIDNT YOU WAKE ME UP SOO-oh Tikki why did you do that."Marinette groaned.,,Youre going to be late Mari."Tikki giggled.Marinette quikly got readyand runned to school.She bumped into Adrien.
Adrien's POV
I waited 5 minutes before i saw her running towards school.She bumped into me and i hugged her tightly.,,Thank you so much,Mari i feel much better."i said to her.When i hugged her she tensed up but then relaxed and said ,,No problem Adrien,im really glad i could make you feel better." She said to me.She hugged me back and we walked in our class together.


Soo how did yall like it?? Also this one is a one-shot and is inspired by a comic i found on youtube.Thanks for reading this book.

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