♡ Chapter - 1 ( Part 3 ) ♡

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( I love this song 😫🤚🏼 )

After school ( cuz it's boring 😀 )

( Author's pov )

Naruto walked out of his classroom and went outside of the school that's where he saw all of his friends were waiting for him.

" Oh naruto is here " Sakura said with a smile on her face.

" Yes I am here!" ( *inserts all mights I am here clip * )

" Welp let's go!! " lee said being overhyped .

" What a drag. "

" Every thing is a drag for you shikamaru " Ino said while rolling her eyes and walking.

" Ok stop fighting and tell me where do you wanna go first? " Naruto asked.

" Hmm what about amusement park ? " Sasuke recommend.

" Yeah sounds like a good plan ! Your so smart Sasuke-kun " Sakura clings into Sasuke's arm.

" hn " Sasuke responded .

At the amusement park

" We are finally here!! " Ino cheered

" Omg look at those rides " Sakura pointed out.

" N-naruto-kun wanna go to that rollercoaster with me? " Hinata asked shyly.

" O-oh..That one? " Naruto pointedly the rollercoaster.

" Y-yeah.. " Hinata responded.

" Sorry Hinata- I will stay here you guys can go " Naruto tried his best to act cool but deep inside he was scared as hell.

" Why ?.." Hinata was confused.

" I'm just not into those childish stuff you know? " Naruto bragged.

" Pfft- chicken " Sasuke said because he knew that Naruto is scared.

" I am not a chicken you teme ! " Naruto argued .

" I know your scared of rollercoasters " Sasuke stated .

" No I am not, i just dont feel like it!! " Naruto replied.

" Why don't you go on a rollercoaster with Sasuke to prove that your not scared " Kiba recommend while smirking.

" I mean I am ok with it " Sasuke said with a shrug.

" F-fine let's go teme! " Naruto walked into the reception to get tickets for 2 seats. " Now let's go " Naruto said while waiting for Sasuke to come with him.

" hn " He walked toward the rollercoaster.

" Y-you sure you wanna do this teme ? Cuz I am not s-scared at all " Naruto just didn't wanted to go in rollercoaster.

" Yeah sure I mean it will be fun " Sasuke loves to tease Naruto.

" Ok..then as you wish..." Naruto then sadly went into the rollercoaster and sat on it.

Sasuke sat on a seat beside Naruto.

Then the rollercoaster started to move . Sasuke noticed naruto was sweating. " Oi dobe why are you sweating so much? "

" I-its just hot " Naruto assured.

The rollercoaster got faster. Sasuke was chill but then his eyes landed on the shaking blonde blond who was squeezing his eyes tight. He felt bad for teasing Naruto earlier but he can't stop now because the rollercoaster was about to drop from the top. He then quickly grabbed Naruto's hand so that he feels less scared. Naruto then opened his eyes and tightened hand. After a few minutes the rollercoaster stopped. Narutos eyes were teary at this point.

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