Chapter 1

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It's middle September and still a hundred degrees outside. I'm done with this heat and stupid global warming. I want sweater weather and lattes back. The heat's tolerable only during summer days when I can be in the pool all day with my friends, once school is back on the heat should immediately leave. It's 8:00 am and there is sweat dripping down my neck. Ew.

My first class of the day was world history which I by the way I regret picking. I know it's a very important subject, and that's actually why I chose it, but Mrs Ryan spends too much time talking about her cats and how our government is falling apart. I feel like I've known more from what I read than from what she taught.

Mer and I normally sit together whenever we have the same class, and I'm so glad we do, especially in history class. We share this document and she writes everything that Mrs Ryan says. It's awesome, and I certainly take advantage of that.

It felt like we had been there for hours when the bell finally rang. Gigi stormed into the classroom and just casually sat at the desk next to mine. But she didn't sit there for too long. As soon as Mer came back from the bathroom we went downstairs to enjoy recess with the rest of the group. Gigi, it's that kind of girl who just loves to talk. It doesn't matter if you are in the mood for it, she will start talking to you. Considering that I'm not the most chatty person you'll ever meet, our relationship works very well.

My next class was chemistry which I was very excited about. My chemistry class, it's on the second floor, also known as the seniors' floor. Most of the senior's classes are on the second floor so it's their floor. There is something about being a senior that makes people glow, not kidding. I didn't give a crap about most of these boys when they were juniors, but now something has changed. Even though the boy I find, last say, the most interesting one, it's new at school so I don't know if I wouldn't have given a crap about him when he was a junior. Whatever, I should just stop staring at him whenever I see him. I mean, I'm almost in a relationship and I just feel I shouldn't be staring at other guys all the time.

Gigi gave me a little punch, so I would "come back from kennyland '', aka stop spacing out (in this case I was more like staring out, but if she didn't notice she doesn't need to know). I rolled my eyes at her and shortly entered myself into the conversation again. It's amazing how much you can miss in just a few seconds when ten teenagers are talking with each other during recess. It's interesting how our conversation goes from which district it's the best to live in to which TikTok trend it's the funniest.

So somewhere between Friday night planning and laughing about last weekend happenings I went to kennyland again. But that trip didn't last long, I came back as soon as Lee wrapped his arms around me and sat by my side at the table. He gave me one of his little quirk smiles and kissed his cheek. It feels good to be in his arms, even though it has felt better before.

He whispered in my ears and asked if I was ok. I had a rough time yesterday and ended up telling him about it and apparently, he still didn't let go. Lee, it's super sweet and always worries about me, but sometimes he can go a little overboard. He is not my boyfriend, we have just been hanging out for a couple of months so I feel he shouldn't worry so much. I nodded and asked how the class was because I wanted to change the subject.

Somehow Lee and I never had any classes together and managed to meet each other in a class reposition last year just before summer. I remember looking at him and thinking that he wasn't so bad. He wasn't a friend of any of my friends and I didn't know his name until I started following him on Instagram. So one thing leads to another and no longer after that we've started talking frequently. We've had a couple of dates during summertime but that was it. Soon after that school started again and we slowed things down a bit, at least I did.

He handed me one of his air pods and we started listening to some music, I honestly have an excellent taste in music and he agrees with that. We share a playlist in Spotify which is filled with my musics. It feels weird to be with a boy, I never really had a boyfriend before and I just imagined things a little bit different.

- Hey, can you give me a ride? - Mer asked me after giving me a little punch, it was probably the third time she asked, but I didn't notice, I was too busy being inside of a hug

- Sure, Friday night? - that was a fair question considering I wasn't paying attention to the conversation

- Yeah, 7:00 pm at Bailey's

- Okay, do we have to bring something over?

- We will just order pizza and have a few drinks, so we're good - Bailey said while packing her stuff up because recess was about to end

- You all just can't give a previous announcement that we are leaving - Gigi is always the last one to pack her things up so this complaining it's a regular thing

- We can't, It would break the tradition - I said while checking if I had anything with me, but I guess I only brought my water bottle over

Lee walked me to my classroom and I kissed him as a thank you. Lee is so sweet and just such a nice guy, but I don't know what any of these is. I got myself into what was supposed to be a summer love and I just can't get out of it. Not that I don't have feelings for him, it's just that... Yeah, I don't, maybe empathy though. He is nice and all of that, but I miss kissing in the rain and butterflies. But hey, I can't break up with him.

I was not in the mood for chemistry today, even though chemistry has been my favourite subject throughout all high school. We have this new chem teacher sub and he just doesn't pass the vibe. One good thing about this class is that at least I don't need to pay attention to what he is saying, I mean I technically do need it, because there are tests and I need good grades. Unlike other teachers, Mr Hills sort of lets us do whatever we want as long as we don't interfere in his class.

I was looking out at the door and I saw the interesting senior boy, that I still didn't know the name of. He was going down the stair with a water bottle in his hands, which it's a little weird since there are a thousand of water fountains in this floor, but I guess he is the kind of boy that just like to do things differently.

It took around five minutes for him to come back and when e passed in front of our classroom again he gave a little nod to Mr Hills, which I didn't care about it, but at least he dragged my attention back to Mr Hills. I was three exercises behind but I was able to finish all three before he had moved to the next one.

The bell rang and Mer quickly dragged me with her to the bathroom, between periods the girl's bathroom filled up so fast it feels like a party there. We crossed paths with the rock boy (aka the unnamed senior boy) on our way to the bathroom and Mer just rolled out her eyes at me when she saw I was looking over at him, let's say we don't have the same type for boys.

The rock boy has long dark hair, a wardrobe full of black shirts with bands names on it, and he plays the guitar, I saw him playing once at least. Lee is sort of a rock boy too, I mean at least he aspires to be. He has long hair (that is a must in Kenny's dating life), but he is blonde, smart and plays volleyball, so that makes him ineligible for the rock boy category. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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