1 • What Exactly?

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All alone, Minnie Is just staring at the wall not doing anything.

It's almost morning, She couldn't sleep.

She was Frightened because of one single dream that she had, It was the worst one yet.

She called her friend to calm down slightly.

"Yuqi ah, I dreamed again last night."

"What happened In your dream Unnie?"

"I was surronded by some kind of blackness and suddenly I got swooped In a dark hole. I woke up sweating like I always do"

"That's bad unnie, Maybe you should get a comforter? I heard It helps out."

"Ok Sure yuqi, Thanks"

"Bye unnie"


She went to her computer and Immediately searched for comforter On the Internet.

But nobody new what It was, She even asked some friends and they didn't know Either.

But one thing she saw, Maybe It was the thing yuqi said that can help her sleep.

"Isn't It weird? What Is this? I should probably call the number." She said to herself, Wondering If It's true.

"Yes ma'am, Will be arriving tommorow."

Would It be a disaster?

The next day

As the usual morning, Minnie went on a run and got coffee, Nothing much except the amount of sales growing on her company. It's crazy to think that This 20 years old girl already has a company even though she started from scratch.

Miyeon POV

Time to go to work...

I never usually get calls since I'm younger than others but It's the only job I can get for money, I roughly didn't go to college.

This time, I'm called In for a girl. I've never been with a girl before, Even though My family Is most partially LGBTQ+ cause of my aunt's and cousins.

But my family lives on a province, I had a good life.

Oh shoot, My boss Is calling.

"Cho Miyeon, Where are you? You're late. You're suppose to come to a client's house at noon remember?" He said.

Tsk, He's lucky he doesn't use public transportation.

"Sorry boss, There was an accident on the road." I hope he believes.

"I'll let you go for now, But go and hurry to the house or I will fire you, Go." He said.

I forgot, I only have an hour left.

Back to Minnie

She went home after a run, Got to the shower and checked her phone.

The one she Is waiting for was coming today, In a few minutes.


Here It Is! I went up to the door and,

"Hello, I'm Miyeon nice to meet you." The girl said.

She's really pretty,

"Hello! I'm minnie! I hope we be friends!" I said.

I scan her face, She's Just smiling at me.

"Ah- Please come Inside."

It was very akward, I don't know what to do.

"Hey, Are you shy?" She asked.

"Uhmm kinda..."

"No worries! Do you like cuddles?"

"I mean yeah but, I've neve-"

She went around me and hugged me tight.

How come I've never felt this?

It just feels so warm...

"You say yes, I give you cuddles!" She said.

She's cute In a funny way.

I wanna keep her forever.

Minnie's just chilling at her room, Waiting since she told Miyeon she's hungry.

She's like a child, More like a baby being taken care of.

All of a sudden minnie started acting like a kid Infront of her, This Is new. A new nicha, Who would have thought that her parent's only daughter would now be like this? A baby who's waiting for her comforter rather babysitter.

"Miss Minnie I made you something special~" Miyeon walks Into her room, Giving minnie a full meal.

"Woah... This looks good." Minnie said, Impressed by the cooking of the younger.

Minnie started to dig In as miyeon looks at her with such love In her eyes.

"But by the way... How old are you?" Miyeon pauses at the question of minnie.

"I'm 17..." Miyeon looked down, A bit ashamed.

"17?! I-I'm sorry..." Minnie almost choked on her food.

"How about you? How old are you?" Miyeon asked her, Minnie smiles.

"I'm 20..." Minnie giggles.

"You don't have to call me unnie, Just call me minnie." Minnie keeps the smile on her face as she talks to the younger.

"Okayy" Miyeon circled around her and backhigged her from the bed.

"Are you having fun?" Miyeon asked her, Minnie looks at her.

"Yes. I want you to stay here for a month, Will you?" Minnie asked the younger.

"I can't... I'll only stay here for a week minnie..." Minnie whined, She wanted the girl to stay longer. Never wanted her to let go so easily.

"It's only been 2 hours, I know you sleep at 12 or 1 am but tonight, We'll fix that ok? You will sleep at 9 O'clock. You have work tomorrow." Miyeon said, It's that easy to make minnie nod.

"But will you be coming with me?" Minnie asked her.

"That's what I do, Of course." Miyeon said.

Minnie smiles at her, Longing a worthy to kiss but she's a costumer and miyeon's a servicer. What can she do?

"Do you wanna shower?" Miyeon asked, Still hugging minnie from behind.

"Hm... Isn't that weird for you?" Minnie asked while Miyeon giggled.

"I should be the one asking that." Miyeon said.

"Well... I wanna shower. With you" Minnie made It stern and clear. She's enjoying this moment feeling as calm as possible.

As soon as they went Inside the Bathroom, Minnie takes her clothes without a word, Miyeon turns away with a squeal.

Minnie giggled. It's the first time she's been through that without sighing of crying, The first moments she actually entered the bathroom without leaving with puffy eyes... The first time she felt relief.

"You know what? I'll teach you something fun."

Hello readers!

It's me... I'm bringing another book to the table! I love this book alot even though It's a little bit weird.

Finished Chapter on: Jan 22, 2022

Please give this book love and support, Stay safe guys! 💖🦋🍒

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