The beginning.

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(Y/n) holds his adoptive mom's hand, looking around the airport cautiously. He may have only been seven, but even he could tell something was wrong.

(Y/N): Mom, why are we moving? All my friends are here...

Inko sighs softly and crouches down in front of the young boy she had adopted. She pulls him into a hug, gently brushing the his hair to the side.

Inko: I know sweetie, I wish there was a way we could stay. I don't expect you to understand, but there are some very bad men. We're moving so they can't touch you.

(Y/N) nods softly, leaning up against his mother. he knew she loved him and that she just had his safety in mind, then he could get over the fear of moving to a new country. As he boards the plane with his mother, his stomach began doing flips, his sense of uneasiness only getting higher. 

Inko holds his hand, reassuring him that everything was okay. (Y/N) nods and gets semi comfortable in his seat, buckling himself in, and once the plane began to take off, he drifted to sleep.

It had been an hour into the flight when a man stood up, walking to the front of plane The man ripped the door to the cockpit off with one hand. The staff tried to stop him, but only got back handed into the walls. He walked into the cockpit, grabbing the pilot's by the head. The man squeezed his fist closed, silencing the pilots, as the plane slowly began to nose dive.

The screams of the passengers woke (Y/N) to wake up, his eyes widening in terror as the man picked him up by the front of his shirt. The stench of blood and gore from the man's fist causing him to almost hurl. 

The seven year old boy started squirming, trying to free himself from the monster's grip. He stares at the man's twisted face in fear. 

In an instant, the Monster's grip was empty, and (Y/N)  was further down the Aisle, running toward's the front section where he could see the silver sheen of a kitchen knife. By the time he made it there he was grabbed again, the monster of a man slamming him into the cabinet. He could feel his own nose crunch, the pain overwhelming him, causing him to sob, holding his nose in pain. Unseen to either of them, the knife began to float, before plunging itself into the monster's throat, continuing until it severed the man's spine, causing him to drop (Y/N). As the man's body lays there limp on the ground, Inko approached, unable to mutter a word from fear as she scoops up her child, holding him protectively, hoping to save him from the impending crash.

The last thing (Y/N) saw before passing out, was his mother, holding him as tears fell from her cheeks.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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