The Flashback

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As Hiachi looked down from the Heavens, a long lost memory came back to her. She was yet again standing in front of the Sakura forest, her heart beating like a thousand drums. One moment she was stuck in a maze, breathing air saturated in peril, and the next, she was out in the open, swallowing up her fear, knowing she had to continue her treacherous journey to safety. Turning her unbearably sore neck, she spotted a note dripping in blood. The writing on that note was almost completely faded but Hiachi could still make out the words "When the spirits align, offer a blade."

She tiptoed forward, until she eyed a faintly glowing lamp, half hidden in dirty water. Hiachi ran towards the light ignoring the foul smell up ahead, but before she could, an outline of a dark figure sprinted by. She thought it looked like the terrifying corpse of Michael Jackson...

She turned to face it again- but it was gone! Was her mind playing tricks on her? No, it wasn't. She knew that deep inside but she still forced herself to believe she was having the worst of nightmares and that she just had to wake up.

Observing every single move of Michael Jackson, she noticed that he ran from the little specks of light provided by the murky oil lamps which she had earlier spotted in the disturbingly dark water. Making the life saving math in her head, she was able to create path which proved hard to follow. Hiachi sprinted from lamp to lamp, keeping her eyes on what was up ahead. After what seemed like hours, she eyed a miniscule cabin, lined with the dirty oil lamps that happen to be everywhere. Its Japanese styled roof was the home of many fallen petals which were the deformed souls of the victims of madness caused by the Mimic's petrifying nature.

Hiachi felt a deep sense of gravity mixed with excitement with a heavy touch of fear sprinkled on the top as she took the step that messed up her mind forever. Right before her foot touched the ground, a terrifying smile creeped up behind her, it was a neon rimmed mask.

Right after, a lifeless, limp white hand reached for her shaking body, the satin-like, black fabric of this creatures arm grazing her elbow. A nanosecond later the thing was gone, leaving no trace of itself. She ran to the little hut. Hiachi fell in a graceless faint once she reached the cabin, as she now felt the feeling of warmth and protection within the wooden walls.

A blade, only a blade. That should be easy enough, she thought to herself, though parts of her mind stubbornly telling her otherwise. Despite the horrifying obstacles that await her, she knew the only way to get out of this rollercoaster of abnormal beings and discomforting settings was to conquer it.

She came back from her terrible flashback. Something didn't let Hiachi go over the next part of her horrifying memories, like an invisible wall. Maybe what came next was too dark and bloody for her to remember, it's definitely too dark and bloody for me to re-tell. So sadly, I'll have to leave you hanging on the line, maybe for one day, or maybe for a thousand years. Only time will tell my due date and once I'm dead, I'm free to share the end of this story of a thousand nightmares and illusions.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2021 ⏰

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