Curiosity claimed a star

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A good hour or two had passed since resting on the roof and it was now a little more late in the afternoon, and her child still had not returned, had they lost track of time? She sure hoped that was the reason. That was currently all xe could think about as she paced around the throne room. Sighing, she eventually flew herself up high enough to settle down on the cushioned throne. The area below it was full of many shiny objects so it would be difficult to get up without wings. Once rested, she grabbed the same necklace from before and observed it once again, nonstop thinking about xyr kid. She really hoped that the 'training' was just taking a little longer, that was it.

"Leader Golden! Leader Golden!!" someone suddenly called out after a good half an hour, startling GC as she had started dozing off again. Xe sat up straight and looked down at whoever it was that grabbed her attention. It was one of the tavern duty guards. What was he doing here..?
"What is the issue? Better not be another thief-" she started, squinting with one eye and tilting her head to the side in curiosity and confusion. The guard only shook his head and took a moment to catch his breath
"No, no, far worse than a thief! Way way worse, madam!"
"What worse than a thief??" shw questioned before flying down in front of the guard, her tone sounding both irritated and worried - what happened?
"Well madam It's- I...It's..-" the guard stuttered, clearly hesitant to speak as he also avoided eye contact
"Oh come on, spit it out before I go find out myself!" okay..that sounded more like a threat than anything. The guard took another moment to think this through, soon standing up straight and looking up at GC.
"Madam it.. It is about your child! It's- It's no good..-"
"WHAT?!" her voice suddenly raised, full of worry. What happened?? What was wrong- did something go wrong??
"I can not explain it on wkrds I am so sorry! Please- please just follow it will be easier! The healers alre al-"
"HEALERS?!" she cut the guard off. Oh glistens no...had her child gotten hurt?? Those thoughts made her heart drop to the lowest point. Shaking xyr head, she quickly motioned for the other to stop talking and to just show the way. He nodded, turned around and began to half run out the throne room and into the hallways, GC following basically right beside him, dropping the necklace on the floor.
"Oh no oh no no precious littlw sunbird what's happened with you?? Please be alright, oh to my glistens PLEASE be alright!" she prayed in her head as they ran, taking turns, taking steps...gah this was taking forever!! In the next hall, she drifted off from her guard and instead stopped by a balcony to peek outside, frantically looking around.
Then she noticed the commotion.
A good group of townsfolk had gathered around a few other tavern duty guards, who even from afar looked worried, some more than others... She moved to the very edge of the railings and squinted, gasping once she noticed what one of the guards was carrying, or perhaps...Who. Without even hearing the call of the guard xe was originally following, GC hopped onto the white railing of the balcony, spread her wings and leapt forward...

In town, nothing but worried talk could be heard as the townsfolk tried to get a better look, even healers. But all were pushed away - the leader's child was NOT to be touched by mere citizens...
What more than half of them failed to notice was the sunlit glowing figure quickly approaching the crowd from the temple, with no sign of stopping easily. "Caredul- move move move! Make way!!-" mixed shouts were called but were deemed almost ussless.
GC would crashland into about 3 of the guards, causing them to fall over and herself to lose balance of flight and fall to the ground, rolling a bit further in the sand. Xe quickly sat back up however, shaking her head. The least of her worries was who she had hit, but instead it was xyr child - one of the fallen guards had been carrying them, but had now dropped just beside themself. GC quickly staggered ip to them, calling their name as an attempt to see if they were concious.
"C'mon sunbird, please!-" she called to them as xe picked them up, failing to notice the condition they were in at first.
"G-guh...Golden Leader, please listen for a m..moment-" one of the fallen guards said as she sat and soon stood back up, looking over at where xe was. She ignored the guard speaking and carried on with her near hopeless speaking...
"Come on mama's can t..tell whats wrong-"
The guards tried to spak to her, but all were ignored. Not wanting to be too near GC when the moment would come, they all backed away and moved the worried crowd along with them.
"Sunbird please..- what's wrong??-" she cut her question short once xe noticed jow...unmoving they were. The child was...limp, not moving at all. The wings hung loosely on the childs small body as GC held them partially off the ground. Her words completely stopped coming out as she fearfully examined everything aout her child, soon...noticing the large wound going from the lower part of the mouth all the way down the torso with many more cracks on the sides of it, seeping with the familiar strawberry staining everything around it bright pink.
She froze, moving the child to rest on one arm as she checked her hand, it being stained pink. Oh stars...oh n o...
"Sunshine...s-sunshine, wake up! Talk to me!!-" she shouted on the brink of tears, holding her child in both hands again as she sat hunched over, her knees on the ground.
"Please respond- I'm begging you, PLEASE!" xe desperately called to try and get ANY response from her child, only being responded to by silence. Nothing...nothing at all. GC would desperately stare at them...completely out of words as she felft herself physically start shaking from the...realisation. The one and only realisarion a parent would never want to get....
That their child had died, and there was no way to help anymore.

The moment of silence from xyr was soon interrupted by a sorrowful wail as GC desperately hugged onto her child, holding them as close as she physically could - their little head over her shoulder and torso next to hers. She quote badically fell completely to the ground as she held the child tightly, sobbing and crying, tears falling onto the sand below like raindrops, her wings would slide to the sides foeming a sort of blanket. This hurt, this hurt so, so quickly started to hurt to cry, to move anything. Her precious sunshine was gone, and all she could do about it was weep. Xe did not care that it was in front of who knew how many townsfolk, she didnt care how many saw this scene...nor did she care what they would think of their glorious leader now.
Xe cried, and cried...and nobody dared approach the grieving mother. Nobody wished to find out what would happen if they even tried. The cookies who knew what would happen were the guards, and they simply accepted their fate. The judgment of a grieving parent was to be dreaded.

After that day, the entire valley felt like it had dimmed down, the glow being reblaced by gloomy shadows in some parts of town.

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