Part 6 ⚡

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"So, your Mars' daughter" Rini asked, sipping a smoothie. Amaya was with Diana, trying to find where the other Sailor Guardians. Hisa was very sweet, but very shy. "Y-Yes.." Hisa looked around, with fear. "What's wrong?" Rini looked into Hisa's eyes. "I feel a dark energy around us.." Hisa looked frightened, bit soon shook Her head. I felt my watch buzz, and Hisa felt hers buzz too. "What's wrong, Diana?" Rini asked. "There's dark magic around you! You have to run!" Diana screamed. Rini looked around, grabbed Hisa's hand, and ran. Rini looked back, and saw people go into a sleep, with dark sand all over them.

Rini and Hisa ran back to the arcade, and into the base. "What was that!" Rini yelled. "It was another attack, from the Dark Kingdom..." Amaya said, still looking at the computer. "You three have to transform, now!" Diana said. They did, ran back to the store, and saw a dark figure. "Stop! In the name of the moon, I'll punish YOU!" Rini yelled. "Mercury, Aqua, Mist!" Amaya yelled. Hisa just stood there, not knowing what to do. As Rini fought, she heard Hisa say something. "Evil spirit, be exorcised!" Hisa yelled. It knocked that man down, but didn't make him weaker. "We have to use all of our powers, at the same time!" Amaya yelled. "Moon, Tiara, BOOMERANG!" Rini yelled. "Mercury, Aqua, MIST!" Amaya yelled. " "Evil spirit, be EXORCISED!"Hisa yelled. It hit the man at the same time, and he disappeared.

Later that day...
Diana called them all, and told them that she had found another Sailor Guardian. "We're coming" they all said. They raced into the arcade and saw a girl, with short brown hair. She was talking with Diana. Diana looked at them, and nodded towards the girl. She got up and walked over to the three girls. "I am Iwa, daughter of Sailor Jupiter.".

"You have failed me!" Yoma screamed, again. "I have a new idea, how about I steal the one man Sailor moon will love, Tuxedo Mask.". Yoma smiled, "I will give you a second chance, now go, and then bring him to me...". Yoma laughed, as Eiji walked out.

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