08 ━ itzy when you call them a pet name

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• you two had decided to bake a treat for her group members
• as you were busy gathering the ingredients together, you didn't notice the pet name slip past your lips
• "yeji, angel, can you help me look for the flower please?"
• immediately gushed over what you said to her
• yeji stopped what she was doing for a moment and just smiled at you
• her heart began racing because you two had never called each other by pet names before
• you looked at her confused as to why hadn't moved, asking what was wrong
• yeji just shook her head and smiled at you, thinking to herself that she couldn't possibly fall even more in love with you
• after that day, she insisted that you only call her by pet names for the rest of your relationship

• it happened when you had surprised lia in the studio
• her members had been telling you the whole week how she was overworking herself, so you decided to visit her and try to convince her to take a break
• at first she was stubborn and reluctant to stop working, telling you she just had to get it done, until you called her the pet name 'love' and lia felt her world stop
• "lia, my love, i know you have deadlines, but overworking yourself isn't going to help. please take a break."
• she was pleasantly surprised at how nice it sounded hearing you say that
• lia then gave in to your words, and finally let herself relax
• she managed to be able to have a quick snack with you, before she was falling asleep against you with a smile on her face as she heard you whisper good night, my love to her
• her little eye smile shows any time you called her a pet name
• lia absolutely loves the way you calling her a pet name makes her feel

• happened during a peaceful night walk after spending the day together for ryujin's day off
• you and her stopped to sit on a park bench, sitting in each other's arms, before ryujin turned to face you, thanking you for the day and helping her relax from her busy schedules
• the smile she gave you had your heart racing, and her whisker dimples immediately made you think of her resemblance to a cat, resulting in you saying the word kitten without realizing
• "there's no need to thank me. i'd do anything for you, kitten."
• ryujin's smiled widened and her cheeks burned a shade of light pink
• she leaned in to place a kiss on your lips, her heart racing as the pet name registered in her mind
• she interlaced her fingers with yours, and ran her thumb across the back of your hand
• from that moment on, you and ryujin rarely called each other by your names, pet names being the only thing you called one another
• needles to say, she loved hearing whenever you used the pet name kitten

• this cutie had a her whole world turned upside down
• when it was your anniversary, chaeryeong had given you a hand made gift, feeling extremely nervous as to what your reaction would be
• seeing what she gifted you made you completely speechless, not believing chaeryeong would go through all this effort for you
• however she took your silence as a bad sign, frowning and looking away from you, asking if you hated it
• you shook your head, snapping yourself out of your day dream before reassuring her you loved the gift
• "no, chaer, i adore this gift! i can't believe you made it yourself. thank you so much, jagiya."
• chaeryeong smiled instantly, her eyes being drawn to yours seeing a lovesick look in your gaze, hearing her own heartbeat thumping loudly
• you placed a soft kiss on her hand, rubbing over her knuckles gently
• ever since then, chaeryeong had become so used to hearing you call her by pet names, there would be times she thought you were upset with her when you would use her name instead

• happened during a movie marathon when yuna made you watch one of her favorite movies, though she didn't have to convince you that much considering anything that was her favorite interested you
• during the movie, she would look over at you to see what you were thinking, hoping you'd enjoy it
• by the end of it, yuna was looking at you with wide, curious eyes, wondering what you thought of the movie
• she quickly asked you your opinion, and when you replied, yuna was caught off guard by the pet name, and almost forgetting how much she wanted to hear your thoughts
• "i liked it very much, its definitely a movie i'd want to watch again. i can see why its my girl's favorite movie."
• yuna was about to reply, before your words played in her head, and she gave you wide smile
• she placed kisses across your face, telling you to say it again, pulling away to stare at you with a loving look
• whenever you used that pet name on her, she swore she felt as if she was the luckiest person in the world
• it didn't take long for yuna to begin calling you pet names as well, and soon your relationship consisted of only pet names


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