Drawing Duel to the Death

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Ciel sighed. Deep down he knew his pride was a bit over-the-top, but at moments such as this he felt downright foolish (not that he would ever admit that to anyone). He just couldn't believe he had gotten himself into such a mess.

The day prior, he had gotten into a sort of argument with a certain curly mop-top whose eyelashes were so thick they almost covered his eyes completely. Ah, Maurice Cole. How the pretty-boy loved to get under his skin. Ciel had only been drawing absentmindedly in art, working on the assignment they had been given.

That is, until he was interrupted.

"My, my Ciel. Your art would be decent, you know, if it wasn't absolutely lacking," the narcissistic barbie snickered in his ear.

"Do explain, in what way could it possibly be lacking more than yours, Cole?" the blunette retorted.

"Well, Phantomhive, it appears you lack any artistic ability whatsoever," the curls snapped, his emerald eyes shimmering with challenge in the Phantomhive's deep blue ones.

"Would you care to prove it then?" he replied, his voice and stare growing icy.

And with that, their petty insults turned into a drawing duel to the death. In the end they skipped finishing their drawing entirely, moving on to painting. Then they decided they needed a bigger canvas, growing from each other's bodies to the entire room being doused with color.

"Cole! Phantomhive! OFFICE NOW!" The poor, poor art teacher yelled in the boys' faces when she was finally able to pull them apart. Thus they received punishment. Ciel having the quicker mind, chose the less suffer-able of the two.

And here the blunette was the next morning, at seven am, behind the school's cafeteria in their kitchen. Helping cook their school's food was actually the less worse of the two, considering Cole got stuck with cleaning the bathrooms. And that only meant one thing.

Ciel had won the war.

Or at least, this was supposed to be victory. He ended up rethinking that conclusion as Vice Principal Nina Hopkins showed him around "backstage" as she liked to call it. If acting like the food produced from here was good, then it certainly was a play.

"And Freckle-Face here will you help you out," she finished her instructions that Ciel had nearly completely blocked out, and threw him at a boy with a quite freckled face (what do you know?).

A deep blue eye, akin to his own set, stared at him wondrously. It was then that the blunette realized that his long brown bangs covered his other eye, only leaving one to pop out along with the freckles.

"Hiya," the boy said kindly, changing his demeanor with a welcoming smile.

A bit of pink rose to the shorter's cheeks. "H-hello, I'm Ciel," he spat out nervously, tentatively shaking Freckles' hand.

"Well there Ciel, I'll show you around. And if you need help with anythin', be sure ask. Ah- You might not want to wear your uniform next time," he said, causing the blunette to look down at his private school's uniform. Then realizing the other was wearing normal clothes. He didn't even realize that here, at his own British private school, a student was wearing normal clothes.

"O-okay," he replied shyly as Freckles handed him an apron.

After that he nearly learned how to peal potatoes right. The littlest blush snuck up onto his cheeks whenever the taller took Ciel's hands in his. Needless to say, it took all morning for the blunette to learn how to peel potatoes so that they were edible.

He had already picked up his backpack and was about to head out the door when he heard the be-freckled boy call his name. "Ciel! Good work today, you didn't do that bad," Freckles laughed and smiled genuinely.

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