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As I sneak out trying to make the least amount of noise possible I see a small shed with a caution sign on it. I look through the window and see electrical panels and an unironic red button that says danger. I lightly grab the doorknob, twist and pull, once I walk in I see that there is a lock on the red button so I hold my pipe in the air and break the lock opening the plastic cover. The label below danger says that it can cause a "Theme park disaster" but carelessly, I go to press it. My hand is almost at the button and one of the new clowns grabs my arm and throws me into the wall and then reaches for Nathan and throws him out the window. "Call me Casey" he says as he reaches for the active wirs beside the button and holds it onto my neck paralyzing me. I try to get him off but all I can do is look around. He starts to laugh as he watches my eyes close and then I hear the door open. Nathan grabs the pipe out of my hand and hits Casey on the forehead knocking him out cold on the wall with blood smeared all over the wall and below our feet. The electrical box starts getting into the blood and electrocutes me paralyzing me again but this time knocking me out. I have no dreams. I only see black. After about an hour of only seeing black my eyes start to open and I am in the air and slowly hover down. I am glowing yellow! It wont last long but I might be able to find ainsley if this could just stay for a good 5 minutes at least. I fly over to the circus like its some type of trip and see her in the middle in a cage. She has makeup all over her face and she is all dressed up like a freak. I wake her up and she tries to say something but she cant over the clowns commands so she speaks in sign language and explains how she cant go much further before they can take over. Who the hell taught her sing language? Anyways I dont want to leave her like this but I might need to. I fly back to nathan over the sand of the circus floor and over the park concrete but right before I reach nathan I fall to the ground and have lost my levitation. I'd at least like to keep what I had but not all things can last forever. "Nathan! Behind you!" I yell out of nowhere as I see casey in the distance running for us. I left the pipe in there! Casey runs for Nathan and tackles him, ready to swing at him so I grab a rock and slap his head into the ground with it until his head is a part of the concrete. He has rocks stuck in his mangled head and Im the reason. I feel no reason to have mercy at this point but I should find a weapon before we go for more of these freaks. Nathan reminds me of the gun he has so he pulls it out of his pocket and hands it to me. I am ready for Quento.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2021 ⏰

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