Chapter 0

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"" talking
•• third person•

This is short sorry

• in the galaxy of man thing or creature there are many planet in this world some unknown some known but there is always more planets out there the age of man manage to make space travel everyone was happy for that so they continued to evolve manage to get a crew on the moon to make a base on it manage to go to there other planet by drone then person even though it took a long while they manage to do it because the kept trying to once they manage  to do it because of 2 now famous scientist  and because of them now the human race  is now in the stars but now many company decided to explore for minariles to sell and such and so human race advance more then it did in the real world so  let's continue they met other races like small animals until they met real alien and so human race made an alliance with them and was introduce to the council of other races now then let's skip 10000 years later human was like the rest of the aliens advance and so because of that company been doing excitements to become stronger then the rest almost all failed making monsters that killed anyone they see so everyone in the universe that was in the council ban this because they saw how dangours  it was  so every stopped it before it get out of hand but that did make some races mad because they had to stop for the advancement of it  so the council was almost divided if it wasn't for the footage that was shown of why this will mark your story since this was from your footage now then let us go before your story truly began  let us go to it shall we•

• you were a normal person you had your pros then your cons you where a average height lean muscular body and a lean stature you had a couple of friends that you knew for a while that you trust and such  so you all got a good job together a containment team it was pretty easy your team did good ones like excitement animals not the killer ones well atleast 5 times y'all did but you all got use to it so you and your team was just relaxing after finishing a mission and earned some money your are one of the top teams of this type of business  in the district so let's go into the character first you have yourself the leader then we have the twins thy both teases they tease you only though then we have Jesse she another tease hut she an enforcer  since her only weapons are a shotgun and a good range pistol that kicks like a horse so you know both her weapons are dangours  so she it's not to be messed with and now our medic Lucy she is a good person she doesn't tease but easily embarrassed and she does have standard weapons but still have the medic equipment ok her so then let's us go to  the story •

•  before the incident happen you and your team was relaxing after a mission that involved chasing a small thing it was annoying as heck even you didn't want to do it anymore but you knew if it give you a good sum of money it was worth it either way even if your team didn't like it they will still do it for the money in the long run•

Jessie-" uhh I can't believe we had to do that like come on it mess up my clothes my hair do you not know how long it take to get me hair like it was before it not second it take hours to get every detail to the right intent and angle with out not problems in the long run god dang the little thing if only we were sent to kill it I would be happy right now heck I would be even happier to see it die slowly either by me or by someone or something else don't you think y/n"

Y/n-"Jessie I don't think it was that big of a deal I bought you the supplys to get your hair back in order and plus doesn't it get mess up just in your sleep so wouldn't it be better to actually have a reason to clean that hair now that thing mess it up then you waking up to see your hair mess up because of yourself moving in your sleep side to side specially if you begin to sleep walk again you messed up your hair multiple times because of that "• you give a deadpan look•

Jessie-" hey that was only one time ok and plus it won't happen again I manage to find a good product that can stop my hair from getting messed in my sleep just wait and watch and see that my hair won't be messy whenever I sleep and wake up in the morning y/n just watch as my hair is gonna be better then ever before"

Y/n-"thought that"• you still giving a deadpan look• " anyone get the crew we gonna look for a high paying job request we need more money if u am to get all your stuff and get upgrade for our stuff so tell the rest get  ready because I'm returning soon with a job that easy but good "• you walk out the door with your armor and weapon and begin to walk towards your vechile ( what ever future vehicle  you want that is fast ) then you got on or in it and start it and begin to drive to the nearest place where you can get a job it took half a hour but you got there you got off or out your vehicle and walk in you see the board and begin to walk towards it until a women got in front of you•

???-" well then what do we have here a above average male here Hm I wonder how big you are down there or do I need to force ya to show me "• she continue to stare out at you give a vibe of dominance"

Y/n-" you better get out my way or are we gonna have to settle this the hard way little missy"

???-" and what you gonna do about it"

Y/n-".....tickling "• you picked her up and begin to tickle her nipples n every spot"

???-" hahahaha hahahahha s s s stop hahahahha

Y/n-" not until you say sorry"

???-" hahaha n n never hahahha"

Y/n-" well then liz I can do this all day"• you tickle her more but in more sensitive spots makeing by her laugh even louder •

Liz-" OK OK hhahaha I give I give "• continue to laugh until you stop tickling her then you set her down•" so y/n how you been your team been getting all my missions lately I hope it ain't bad "

Y/n-" don't worry it not I just need a lot of money for my whole team for upgrades I'm getting weapon and armor Jessie is getting a weapon upgrade and the twins are getting armor upgrades"

( do not sue I don't own go support the creator) Liz-" wow that seem good and such  so I think I have a job for you it an capture or kill mission the info says you got to capture a couple of groups in a abondon ship that was heading to an military...

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( do not sue I don't own go support the creator) Liz-" wow that seem good and such  so I think I have a job for you it an capture or kill mission the info says you got to capture a couple of groups in a abondon ship that was heading to an military planet  I guess there were prisoners deadly one so I advised caution for this one y/n it seem more dangours but the pay is really high so I guess  no risk no glory"

Y/n-" yea your right so then I guess I accept "• you grab  your knife and stab the paper and such and accept it•

• somewhere far•

??????- he is coming ours is coming hahah we must tell them

( to be continued)

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