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"We have to leave soon or they'll find us!"Matthew said trying to reason with dark haired ,blue eyes woman who was carrying the baby.

She signed "I know but we can't keep running with the child if they find us with her they will kill her and I can't just abandon her!!" Suddenly her eyes light up "Do you think we could evade them just until she grows up?"She asked hopefully.

The man shook his head sadly "Gabriela you know they will find us before she grows,thats why we have to give her to Abby"'

Gabriela opened her mouth as if to say something when the door burst opened and a women with red fiery hair,green jaded eyes much like a tigers
and a lithe body walks into the room. "Give me the child,there isn't much time they are here!"

Matthew closed his eyes,then a second later reopened them "Stercus!! Gabriela give Zoey to Abby !! There isn't enough time for you to get away"He says to Abby " you're gonna have to hide somewhere in here and make sure you aren't seen or heard"Abby nods and runs deeper into the house.Not a minute later the door is kicked open and men began to swarm the house.

We have to get them away from Abby and Zoey. Matthew thought to Gabriela.She looked at him and smiles.Suddenly she punches one of the men,palm strikes another and runs out the house half of the men follow her,demanding she stops and accept her punishment.She comes to a halt in the middle of the clearing and turns to face the men."I don't want to fight you"
One man snorted "You lost all rights when you fell"

"I fell,following my heart something you lack" She retorted without warning one man from behind her threw a knife at her back,she dodged it and did a back kick hitting the guy in the guts.She gathered energy into a ball and threw it to the group of men ,she grabbed the knife that was thrown at her and hurled it at another guy aiming straight for his eye.He dodged it,she went to palm-strike him but he grab her hand and twisting it until it cracked, he bought his knee up and slammed it against her head,bones shattered,he looked at her with disgust and tossed her to the ground.
" You betrayed us!!" anger laced his words as he kicked her "and for what a lowlife!!"this time he aimed for her face,it snapped backwards for a few minutes she blacked out but the pain she felt as he stepped on her broken wrist bought her back to conscious,she coughed up blood and a malice grin spread across his face.

"Don't worry the low life you love so much will go back to hell where he belongs I hear they have a homecoming party planned for him" He laughed and leaned closer to her as if to whisper a secret "As for you,you will get your grace back and never again will you disobey us" He stepped harder on her wrist,this time the pain was too much the last thing she saw before she blacked out was her husband bloodied body being carried off.

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