Conform & Obey

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This society is so broken
People are thrown away
their soul are stollen
Their path is to go away
People demand empathy
people demand understanding
But they are aways edgythey are the ones throwing
rocks, tomatoes, knifes and bombs
both figurative and literally
We are being killed
we are the ghostly
the shadow of the worse
mankind has to offer
because we are different
Our biology is different
They demand empathybut they judge us so harshly
they say we are toxic and abusive
because we are logical and direct
we lack social nuance,we trust people, we are naive
And they take that and push us
until we break, then, they leave
and we are always alone, broken
Hipocrisy is the name of it, isn't it?
Say something, do the opposite.
Nevertheless, we will keep on going
without us, there would be no electricity,
no cars, no computers, no Alice in the wonderland!
You try to destroy us every fucking timeand yet
we work tirelessly to make the world better for you.
As the saying goes
no good deed goes unpunished!

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