Chapter 1

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-Gulf POV-

"Mom I really don't like that,why are you forcing me when I don't want to,why don't you just support what I want,why do you always oppose me?" I said and suddenly my mother slapped me in the face

"You have no respect for me Gulf you are not like that before what is happening to you son I am doing this for you to make your life good don't choose a useless course" she said while crying

"You're always like that mom, you say that my course I'm taking are useless, this is mom the one I want i like,you know mom you want me to be an architect like dad right?, but mom, I don't want that,I want to be a chef be a great chef and be known around the world" i said while my body was full of anger and hatred

"Gulf don't talk like that to your mommy we just want to make your life better" dad said as his hand rested on my mom's shoulder and pointing at me

"Hah...really? really? dad are you really sure that you have made my life better? don't you feel me and I'm not okay with what you're going to do to me? I just agreed before because I just thought you could make my life better.,but not dad no my life got worse because of you because you don't  support me because of you my life is getting worse because you don't trust me sometimes I just wonder if you still consider me a son or a slave who obeys your will?" i said and smirked

I have already told all that to my parents because I have kept it to myself for a long time and only now have I had the opportunity to speak to them.

"Okay... alright you're the right one,you want that? get out of my house and don't come back here I'm rejecting you as my son!" dad said as he pushes me out of the house while mom was preventing dad from stop get out on they house while her tears were dripping

"Okay fine...I don't have a parent like you" i said and walk away as I wipe away my tears

I didn't get anything at home because they kicked me out right away. I only brought 10,000 baths. I know it won't fit for food and shelter.

I thought of going to my friend Mild so I just walked to their house.

Mild is my loyal friend I know even though we like dogs and cats fighting to each other but he is kind and can be trusted.

After a few moments walk, I arrived at his house. My foot was so hurt that I could no longer feel my two feet.

So I immediately knocked on his door as I gasped in exhaustion.

"MILD OPEN THIS DOOR!" i said and shout

My eyesight was spinning as if I was about to collapse.

I heard the door open and I didn't know what would happen next because I suddenly collapsed.
-Mild POV-

I was putting away my belongings in the room when suddenly there was a loud knock on my door.

I looked out the window to see who was knocking. The knocker is Gulf he look like was so tired, maybe he got into another fight.

Gulf is one of my best friends, even though he is rude, I can trust him and I can tell him about my problem, sometimes he is also a philosopher.

He was my friend when we were in high school, he always got into fights and this is me, I always tried to defend him.

So I quickly went down and I opened the door when I opened he suddenly fell on me and I was able to catch him with my hand.

"Gulf what is happening to you?" i said

I check his bodies if there are bruises so I can know if he got into a fight when I think there is nothing so what really happened to him.

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