Warnings and other Stuff

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If you don't like cursing....

Remove this book from your library.

If you're a homophobe......

Leave now. Don't look back. Remove this book.

If you don't like smut...

Yeah, I think you know what I'm going to say next.


If you don't like 5sos...

Turn left off the cliff and tumble for a while.

Jk jk but seriously, this isn't the book for you, cause I mean....


If you don't like the thought of Different races dating...

Oh well. I don't care. MY BOOK, NOT YOURS.


And if you decided you don't like this book, it's okay. Honestly, I wouldn't blame you. It's weird, funny, twisted, crappy, and un-edited whatsoever. I'll be working on it continuously. So, you've been warned officially.

So, for all of you who have decided to stay on the Payne train... The next stop is 5sos.

So for all the people who don't like this.. Say bye boys!! And Kathleen...

*calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton wave.*

*Kathleen waves and blows air kiss but gives all the fist*

*michael gives the finger*

*calum gives Luke a wedgie*

*Ashton picks his nose*

*i close the curtains*


So for the people who are sticking with us people in this book..... Here are some tips..........

If I don't say who's pov it is that means that it's the same person's pov from the last chapter

-there might be some editing done if it's hard to follow.

-if it is, tell me. I'll have an author's note and explain.

-If you have questions for the characters, comment them. I'll do a character ask.

-If you would like to be added in the book or any of the books in this trilogy tell me.

-Yes, I am implying there will be three books.

-Lastly, if you have any problems with me or this book with no logical explanation, I have five fingers, guess which one is for you?

Alright..... Here goes everything.

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