Chapter 3

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Blaise sat down next to Harry in the library smiling at him. Ever since they started fake dating everyone just left him and his friends alone. No one wanted to mess with the Saviour of the World's boyfriend and his friends.

He was deep in thought until he noticed Harry's tired eyes. "have you been sleeping alright Harry?"

Harry nodded obviously lying. Blaise frowned, "hey I know I'm not your actual boyfriend but you can still trust me. I do have a private room you know, if you need to rest we can go down to the slytherin common room and I can study there."

Harry thought about it. Blaise placed his hand gently on his, "you need sleep Harry."

Harry sighed, "let's go."

Blaise pulled him up and walked him to his room. After two months of spending so much time together Harry had learned to trust Blaise. He was nice and caring for his friends and he never pressured Harry into doing things typical couples did if he wasn't 100% comfortable. It made him wonder how he would actually act if they were a real couple. Would he still be as gentle and comprehensive as he is now?

Spending time with him wasn't awful, it was actually quite nice. He was a good listener and good at keeping the conversation going. He was very handsome Harry had to admit. He had everything he ever liked about Cedric and Ginny and  more. But he had made it clear it was to keep their friends away so that was it. He was going to enjoy this as long as it lasted.

Blaise opened the door to his room and allowed Harry to get comfortable under his covers. He sat down in his small desk and sighed. These two months had been amazing for him, Harry was just all around amazing. He was so bright and handsome and charismatic. He really wanted to just forget about what he said about their friends and actually ask him out but that would just make things awkward. The last thing he wanted was to make Harry uncomfortable.

It also made his heart sad at how easy he flinched at things or how obviously touch starved Harry was. All he wanted to do was hug the poor boy and hold him, maybe kiss his forehead or cheek or..... other things.

He just wanted to be there for the other boy but he couldn't really talk to anyone about it.

He was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Harry hissing? His fake boyfriend was hissing. Like how he did in second year.

Blaise walked over to him and placed his hand softly on his shoulder, "Harry?" he whispered.

Harry continued hissing. Blaise shook him more, "Harry."

Harry's hand flew up accidentally hitting Blaise on the nose. Blaise groaned grabbing his nose. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do thst." Harry quickly apologized.

Blaise shook his head casting an episki charm on his nose fixing it. "all good see. It's just that you were hissing in your sleep."

Harry blushed, "oh I'm sorry about that. It sometimes happens."

Blaise sat down next to Harry on the bed, "you have nothing to apologise Harry. It's not like you can control it." he placed his hand gently on Harry's shoulder, "were you having a bad dream?"

Harry unconsciously leaned into his touch as he nodded. He didn't really want to talk about it, especially to Blaise. Blaise could see his discomfort and gently massaged his arm trying to calm him, the last thing he wanted was to hurt Harry. Harry felt sleepy again, "can I?"

Blaise nodded and as he stood up a hand reached out to him. Harry was thankful that at this moment he could only see a blob and not Blaise. He took a small breath, "can you stay here?"

Blaise nodded sitting next to Harry and accioing a book. Harry smiled as Blaise's hand mindlessly drew circles on his back. He closed his eyes hoping that this time he could get some rest.

Blaise continued giving Harry a gentle back rub as he read. He was definitely going to give Harry a free pass to the spa Pansy showed him, the poor boy had many knots.

He felt Harry scoot closer to him and sighing softly. Blaise chuckled silently thanking thst Harry was asleep because his face quickly heated up. He also noticed that his fake boyfriend was sleeping more peacefully now.

There was a knock on his door, Blaise opened it with magic. Theo walked in and smiled leaning against the door, "well I was going to ask you if you wanted to fly around but I see you're busy."

Blaise smiled looking down at Harry then back at his friend, "he looked tired."

"I'll tell people to not bother you right now. Oh and this is just too cute, the way he just curls up to you. Bet he really does like you." Blaise let out a nervous laugh making Theo think he was getting embarrassed. "If he does wake up then you're welcome to come fly with me if you want. Both of you."

Blaise nodded before Theo finally left. He looked down at Harry again with Theo's words sounding in his head. He felt bad for tricking his friends sure but he also wanted this to not just be a trick. He played with Harry's hair, as far as he knew Harry never showed interest in guys or Draco would've talked about it. Still he accepted everything Blaise gave him, every touch, every smile, every compliment, everything. He would blush and return a simple charming smile or lean into his touch.

At first Blaise thought it was to seem like a legit couple but Harry also did it when it was just the two of them.

Did he have a chance?

He opened his book again ignoring his thoughts, those would have to wait for another time. For now he was just going to put his attention to the book in front of him and into massaging Harry's back.

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