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Your POV:

After Maria leaves Michael and I start getting ready. "Okay does this outfit look cute?" He runs into my room and starts modeling his fit. "Yea I like that one better than the other two" I say. "Right?" Michael yells as he walks back to his room to get his makeup. I look back at my reflection: I'm wearing a spaghetti strap, olive green satin cami top, with black jeans and my heels. Michael skips back into my room "you look hot" is all he says as he sets his stuff on my dresser. I run my hands down my sides "you think so?" He scoffs and turns to face me "girl if I were you I would know how to act! In a good way." H clarifies making me chuckle.

Once we were finally ready we take a selfie in the hall mirror before getting into our Uber. Since we were already drinking earlier neither of us are in the right state of mind to drive. Once we arrive at the club we meet our friends inside and order our drinks. I look around and notice the club is pretty packed tonight. I take a sip of my drink and notice a redhead sitting at the bar by herself.

I tell one of my friends, Stacy, that I'm going to go keep her company. I walk and sit beside the beautiful fiery haired woman. She meets my gaze then scans my body "what do you want?" She asks. I smile politely and say "well I saw a beautiful woman sitting here by herself and decided to come and see if you wanted company?" The woman scoffs "flattery will get you nowhere. And, I'm not alone." I'm about to say something back when a blonde woman emerges from behind me and into my peripheral.

The redhead smiles and looks at her too. The blonde turns around and I feel like the world is just fucking with me. I roll my eyes "Billie." I say spitefully as I turn and take a sip of my drink. The blonde smirks "y/n" my name drips off her lips like honey. She comes up beside me and takes the seat next to me. I eye her up and down quickly noticing how she too is wearing a cami top similar to mine except hers is blood red and she has a blazer over. "Don't you have company to attend to?" I ask her my voice laced with uninterest.

Billie looks at the woman sitting on the other side of me "you don't mind do you Mina?" Mina? Who the hell is she?
"Not at all, sweetheart" the woman says before getting up and walking away holding onto a cane. Billie places her arm on top of the bar and leans closer to me. Her perfume invades my senses, completely washing away the smell of dried alcohol and sweat from the room.

I turn my head and notice how close we actually are. Her face mere inches from mine. My heartbeat begins to speed up so I pull away and introduce some distance. "What do you want?" I ask her. Billie smiles "to spend time with you" I roll my eyes "don't get used to it." Billie chuckles and is about to say something but just at that moment, I see Megan, the annoying girl from the cafe walking up to the two of us. "For fucks sake" you take a deep breath. Just waiting for this scene she's about to create to unfold. "So it is true!" She says. You finish the rest of your drink and call the attention of the bartender.

You order another drink simply ignoring her until she catches your attention. "Really Billie you could have had me instead of...(she looks me up and down) her." I laugh which seems to really piss her off more. Billie is trying to get her to leave "Maddie I think it's best if you leave" I can't help but laugh at Billie saying the wrong name. "IT'S MEGAN! You know what Billie if that's who you want to settle for then go ahead. Just so you know y/n nobody likes a slut!" She eyes me up and down "and an ugly one at that." She spits. I'm about to backhand her when a loud SLAP rings in my ears. I see Megan holding her cheek a gobsmacked look on her face and tears threatening to spill.

Billie is standing before her. Eyebrows furrowed and eyes piercing through her soul. "Leave." Is all Billie says. Megan stands looking at Billie before turning her attention to me and tries to slap me but I grab her wrist and push her hard, causing her to fall in her ass. I stand up and hover over her "like you said, nobody likes a slut Megan. Now get the fuck out of here before you can't walk yourself out and your eating through a straw." Megan stands up with tears running down her face and turns to walk away but bumps into someone. They push her away, almost making her fall over. "Move, bitch" I recognize the voice and look up to see Michael making a disgusted face at Megan.

I chuckle and watch as Megan shamefully leaves the club crying. Michael walks up to me "are you okay?! What the fuck was her problem?" I shake my head "I'm fine and she's just an idiot" Michael huffs "I was really about to break my nails off for you girl. I saw her run up on you like that and literally told Stacy to hold my fucking drink" I laugh at his remark. "You stood in her way on purpose right?" I ask him. He smiles "I couldn't help it" the bartender taps my shoulder "it's on the house. That was honestly one of the best things I've seen all week." He says as he hands me my drink. "Thank you" the bartender laughs and shakes his head as he walks away.

Then I look over at Billie...

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