Not Whelmed People and Kiss Cams

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I've been screaming for three days, but that's beside the point. I got a whole bunch of ideas for more one-shots, but I'm taking requests as well.

Anyway, I'm gonna rewatch the first two episodes again because... I can, and that's a good enough reason for me. So yeahhhh, enjoy!

"Since when do you watch sports?" Zatanna asked

"Since I got free tickets," Dick smirked at her, "my parents used to take me to baseball games when I was younger. My dad would go crazy."

Zatanna laughed as they took their seats together, near the middle of the stadium.

The Baseball game had just begun when the snack vendor came by. Dick bought popcorn to share and a hotdog for each of them, along with drinks.

"So explain to me how exactly this whole baseball thing works," Zatanna said, taking a bite of her hotdog

"Well, see this guy throws a ball at the guy with the bat, and if he hits it and it doesn't go out, he runs till he reaches base," Dick said

"You don't know the rules of baseball, do you?" Zatanna quizzed. She was smirking at him

"Of course I do," Dick stated, "just don't ask me how the point system works, or how the bases work, or how long it is."

Zatanna laughed again "you are one of a kind Dick Grayson" she mumbled, leaning into him.

He wrapped his arm around her "hey, it's not my fault Bruce doesn't watch sports."

"Just eat your hotdog, boy wonder."

He chuckled lightly, the little laugh he does when he disappears on a mission. It always made Zatanna smile.

The two watched, trying to figure out the rules of the game, which neither of them really knew, so instead, they started making up false identities for the plays. Like the first batter, a tall man with short cut brown hair. He was covered in tattoos and still lived with his parents. Another guy had five dogs and really wanted to be a singer, not a sports star.

They were both grinning and laughing like madmen

"I bet the guy behind the pitcher is bald under his helmet," Zatanna laughed

"Bald and has a pet bird," Dick added

He grinned as Zatanna burst out into a fit of quiet laughter.

"You know, boy wonder," Zatanna said once she caught her breath, "this is actually pretty fun."

"I'm glad you're enjoying it, Zee" Dick grinned

"Yup, I'm feeling the aster."

The guy next to Dick snapped at them to keep it down

The couple glanced at each other and broke out laughing again

"That guy needs to whelm himself," Dick whispered to his girlfriend

She started laughing again.

"IT'S TIME FOR THE KISS CAM," a loud voice echoed across the stadium.

On the giant screen, imagines of people in the crowd appeared.

Dick and Zatanna ignored it, continuing to talk and laugh.

That was until the teen next to Zatanna nudged her.

She glanced at him

"Kiss cam," he said, pointing to the screen, "pucker up" he made a kissy face leaning into Zatanna.

Dick stuck his hand in front of the guy's face. "I'm gonna stop you right there," he said "first off, you're ugly. Second..." Dick smirked "she's mine."

He took Zatanna's chin and turned her to face him. He leaned in, pressing a sweet kiss to her lips.

They pulled away slowly. Zatanna was grinning as she said, "I love you."

Dick returned the grin. "I love you too."

The audience erupted in Applause. That was more interesting than the baseball game that was still tied zero, zero.

*Pauses show*

Done already? Don't worry; I'll post again soon. For now, check out some of my other YJ stories.


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