Chapter 30

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I was absolutely fuming by the time we reached the super fancy and really secluded summer house. The owner must have been loaded. It had two stories, log cabin type look, though it was anything but rustic. Huge windows covered the front and the back of the house so that you could see right through it. Sav and I climbed out of my car and looked up at the looming house. She practically ran to the front door, giggling and squealing while I followed behind, my blood still boiling.

"Oh my gosh, I bet the pool is huge!" She screamed and ran through the unlocked door. I guess out in the middle of nowhere, they didn't worry about intruders.

"Shit, hold on Sav! Don't break anything, this isn't ours!" Keegan yelled and rushed past me to catch her, a cooler under one arm and a bag of towels under the other. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's not often I see Keegan trying to be responsible," Hudson fell into step beside me as I opened the front door. "It's nice for him to be the one who's worried for a change."

"I would be too!" I chuckled. "This is a nice ass house!"

The inside looked modern and clean with white, angular furniture and new silver appliances in the kitchen. Not super homey, and not really my taste, but super nice anyway. Savannah had already thrown all of her things all over the place, taken off the clothes over her swimsuit, and bounced at the side of the pool, waiting for Keegan to get a few bugs out.

"Someone's excited," Hudson remarked as he took out the food that needed to be refrigerated. I chuckled, though it didn't sound very convincing. His voice grew soft. "He's an asshole all the time to everyone, beautiful. Don't let it get you down."

"But that's just it, he's not an asshole all the time," I huffed. Hudson turned his back to me and began to stock the fridge. I slid off my shirt and shorts and kept talking. "If he was, it would be so much easier to just say fuck him. But no. One minute he's incredibly nice to me and then the next, he's an asshole. I wish he'd just pick a state of mind and chill out."

The room was quiet by the end of my rant so I turned to Hudson only to see him staring at me. His jaw twitched and his eyes raked up and down my barely clothed body. The way his blue eyes darkened and drank me in turned my stomach to butterflies. Immediately, my body grew hot and I wanted his hands on me. And his lips. And...everything else.

But quickly I remembered whose hands had been on me last. Whose kisses enveloped and claimed my mouth. Whose fingers drenched themselves in my core.

Nope. I'm ruined. Fuck you, Atticus.

"Nice swimsuit, beautiful," Hudson murmured before closing the cooler and following me outside. Keegan had cleared out the bugs and now stood in his blue swim trunks in the shallow end, calling Sav a pussy and telling her to jump off the diving board. I glanced at my friend with admiration; she looked like a goddess in her light blue, tiny bikini.

"Thank you," I answered and glanced over at him. He pulled his shirt over his head and slipped off his flip flops. I had to stop myself from audibly gasping at his body. Long muscles rippling all over his tall frame. Why do they all have to be so perfect?

"You're staring," Hudson drew my eyes back up to his and winked.

"Why do you all look like celebrities? It's not fair," I grumbled playfully.

"Um, have you seen yourself, beautiful? If I have to look at your curves and that ridiculous ass for one more second, I'm going to jump you," he chuckled then looked at me thoughtfully. "In fact..."

And with that, he took a couple of hurried steps toward me, picked me up off the ground, and threw me into the pool. When my head finally came up above the surface, Keegan and Sav were whooping and hollering. I couldn't help but laugh a little too.

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