My alter egos

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Name: Misty

Species: Grim reaper/Spirit

                                                             Physical info

Eye color: Dark purple

Height: 6'8

Gender: Female

Hair color: Dark purple

Skin color: Pale white


Human (Formerly)

Undead/Spirit (Currently)

Personality: Mysterious, (very) protective, loyal, determined, trustworthy, fearless, calm, stubborn, adamant, obstinate, threatening, morbid, ambitious, jealous, malicious (sometimes), very sarcastic, intimidating, violent, cruel (sometimes), bitter, confident, kind and caring (can be at times, especially with people she knows well), she can be also teasing and playful, sassy, vengeful, insane (at times she can be, when you try to mess with her too much), though she can also be care-free, nonchalant, and she has a lack of interest in most things. She is also quite unpredictable and unstable at times. Despite all this, she is only vulnerable with people she trusts and knows well, and can be quite caring and emotional (it is very rare but it is possible)

Powers/abilities: Teleportation, invisibility, scythemanship, mist manipulation, regeneration, possession (only to me), and shes decently strong

Zodiac: Scorpio

                                                                 Facts about her

-She has huge trust issues

-She has a soft spot for children, BUT she will only kill them if they really, really deserve it

-She wants to be alive again and would give a lot to experience living again, she wasn't even given the chance to see what was really out there, and died when she was just a kid. When she first died all she felt was anger, revenge, resentfulness, not much else for a long time. Now she just feels a little emotionless, and still the revenge to one day find the person who killed her.

-She has Alexithymia

-Shes right handed

-She's quite different from other grim reapers (if you couldn't already tell), actually a lot different. She is able to have more emotions (kind of due to her being in my body), and she works differently compared to other grim reapers.

-When she was alive she had a different name

-She remembers how she died (for the most part) but can barely remember what she was really like or what she looked like

-One of the few things she remembers is her mom singing her lullabies

-She died almost 2 decades ago (she is technically 26 now, while so far Iris is 25 and Skylar 24)

-She used to practice magic (she had a magic book) in her "debut" (when she was first created for awhile) but then learned its probably not entirely a good thing, and since there is another thing (Thorne) around here

-Died by her 'best friend' who stabbed her repeatedly.

Pronouns: She/her, they/them, or it/its

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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