You Set My Soul Alight

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"A present," you tell them, receiving a blank look in return.
"Unless Nari herself is sitting in that box ..."
"But it's your birthday. "
Seeing you shrink, they settle down a bit.
"- should he tell you about it. "
They growl , dual- toned, under their breath.

"Alright.  If you don't want it..."
You pick up the box, grinning, and start walking out of your shared bedroom.
"I did not say that you had permission to leave."
You keep on walking.  They've learned not to ever really  punish you, lest they be denied future requests  / demands to copulate. You've tried to consider them, using only a new beige shoebox instead of annoying them even more by wrapping the gift or putting it in a colorful bag.

"No, no, you shouldn't look at what it is. I know you'll hate it as much as you hate puppies, babies,living in my old house instead of your destroyed castle..."
" I did not say I hated it here. This dwelling  is...sufficient, until we can rebuild our magnificent Fortress. "
"You impaled my landlord ."
"He knew more than was good for him."
" Also you keep incinerating delivery guys , which is why I just collect the order at the restaurant nowadays. "
" Their cooks don't follow my instructions  on how I'd like to have my meal prepared. "
" You bite kids!!"
"First of all, it was one child. Second of all, it could've been avoided had he not attempted to steal my food. And third, he deserved it."
" Happy birthdayyy," you sing as you head towards the door.
"I'll just throw it away, so you don't have to get a present you don't want-"
"Come back."
" Say the magic words."
" 'I'll kill you if you don't ' ?"
" Nooo, not those ones."
"Please, thank you, come back now!"
They shift around, finding a more comfortable sitting position. Their wooden eyeballs swivel down to stare at the shoebox as you place it in their lap.
They take the lid off the box.
" A necklace."
" Well, I know you like jewelry, so..."
Bellroc lifts it out of the box, not particularly impressed.

It's solid gold, antique.A single pigeon blood - ruby is set in the center, with a circle of diamonds surrounding it like flower petals.
You're wearing the necklace's sister, a temple - style ,(somewhat more minimalist)  gold choker . A flower made of little red diamonds  is embedded in the heart of its pattern.
Guess you don't like it.
They startle , looking up at you in surprise .
As you think your next words, the red diamonds flash white, and Bellroc's choker's diamonds flash red, transmitting your telepathic signal to their brain from yours.
You don't do phones. We have no way of communicating when we're apart.
With the choker necklaces, we can talk with our minds and stay in contact.
This has bothered your partner for the last few months. You've had to go back to your job, you've done shopping and visited friends. Whenever you were elsewhere , Bellroc possessed no means of reaching you, of  finding out why you were late getting home, or what could be happening out there that you were involved with . They were always anxious to hear about the time you'd been away from start to finish.
They often worried, and wished they could somehow speak to you, hear your voice  again.
Now Bellroc smiles, no longer unenthusiastic about the new jewelry.
" I have another present before you go check on Skrael in New York. But you'll have to unwrap this one."
They stare hungrily at your body as you offer yourself to them, hastily casting aside the necklace, ripping off your one so it falls beside theirs, mouth on yours, hands burning holes in your outfit.
The world's rebirth can wait a little longer, you both think.

This Burning Desire ( Bellroc x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now