Chapter One

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  • Dedicated to potatolord182

Chapter One

Louis awoke to the comfortable, familiar sensation of his fiancé Eleanor snuggled up beside him. For the first time in his entire life , he was more content than he had ever been before . Last night he had popped the question-- proposed , and she'd said yes.

Louis sighed happily, grabbing Eleanor's hands and wrapping them around him. He silently fingered the exquisite diamond ring on El's slim, long fourth finger until he heard giggling behind him.

"What?" Louis looked behind him to see her, in all her morning-eyed and messed-up-haired glory.

Eleanor smiled, her face lighting up adorably. How had Louis ever gotten so lucky?  

 "I love you," she whispered, intertwining their fingers once more in a single, fluid motion.

"I love you more," Louis grinned like a goof beside her. He could feel her tinkling laughter before he could hear it.

"What?" He asked.

Eleanor snuggled up closer to Louis as he shifted to get more comfortable. They were plastered together, two bodies unidentifiable as being two instead of one.

"You will NEVER," she began, poking Louis with emphasis, "love me, more than I love you. Don't --" her voice wavered, "don't you forget that. Okay?"

Louis sighed and smiled at the same time, but it was a smile laced with tears-- tears of hope, tears of joy, tears of laughter, of moments yet to come-- and said, carefully, "But I do love you, El. So, so much." He tried to stay serious, but her laughter blew his focus.

"You are so cheesy." She began, sitting up in bed and whacking Louis across the head with a pillow in a sudden burst of energy.

"Owww," Louis started complaining.

Eleanor put her hand on her hip and dramatically sang, "You're giving me a heart attack!" and giggled again.

Louis grabbed a pillow and raised it high in self-defense.

"Remember, you asked for it," he warned, and started forward, his pillow up above his head.

Eleanor squealed and ran screaming from the room, throwing her pillow up into the air, where it landed with a soft thump at Louis's feet. Laughing and shaking his head, he picked up both pillows and tossed them casually onto the bed before walking out and joining his fiance for breakfast.

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