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I stumble into my apartment way earlier than I'd expected to, sort of lost as everything that's happened these past few hours continues to fail at sinking in.

Wilbur had barely moved, his hair still a mess, but he was slumped over with a cup of coffee now, the steam blowing into his face.

He looks to me with confused eyes, taking a sip of the hot substance before speaking up. "Why are you back so soon? Don't you usually get home around—" His eyes pan to the ticking clock on my wall. "Five?"

I nod, throwing my bag to the ground as some office supplies thud with it on impact. I'm not worried though, nothings breakable, except for my mental state.

"Yeah, I do," Words come out as mumbles, slowly stripping down from a professional outfit into nothing but pants and a button-up. "Not anymore though."

His eyebrow raises, and I can tell he's entirely lost, probably because actual jobs weren't a thing where he came from. In Minecraft, you fought and gathered for everything you needed.

"I lost my job today," I sit down beside him on the plush couch littered in his scent and warmth. "We don't have any flow of money now."

I'd already told myself asking Wilbur to get a job is dumb, because he has nothing to prove who he is. Not even a birth certificate.

So for the past two weeks, I brought in my money to get groceries and pay bills as I usually had, but this is a different situation now.

Wilbur didn't say anything for a moment, he sort of just sat there, staring at his drink with a small hum. But that ended.

"Well, I mean if you hadn't been late so much—"

I knew he was just making a harmless comment, I can tell by now when Wilbur is trying to push buttons; but it'd been a long morning, and I finally snapped, the effects of everything that just happened falling down on me.

"You're the reason I was late so much! Speak for yourself dumbass! I don't see you doing anything to support us!"

I raise my voice, angry at just the thought of him assuming himself to be entirely innocent. Had he not spoken to me that day. Had he not looked at that drawing— I'd be fine right now.

Wilburs face scrunches up in offense, setting his coffee onto the table before him. "It's not me who decided to stay back so much, now is it?! You're such a bitch!"

I stop, seeing that for the first time... Wilbur had directly called me something foul. Sure he said I acted like a bitch, and I call him terrible names almost constantly— but this is different.

He was mad, face nearly scowled as he glared daggers into me. My head lowers, and I take a small deep breath, trying to fight back tears that had no place here. I started this, no need to be sad over my own mess.

Besides, I'm a grown woman, I don't cry over men calling me mean names just because they 'hurt my feelings'.

But he isn't just a man... he's my soulmate— my other half —technically speaking.

And it hurt. The degrading names I used were all in fun, but the venom put behind his sentence hit like a slap to the face.

I turn towards my room and walk inside quickly, slamming the door as I kick at random stuff around me. Anger was finally beginning to boil up.

Anger over who my soulmate is.

What my soulmates like.

How my life has changed.

Why my job is gone.

I eventually find myself just sitting down on the ground with my back against the door, too mad to choose the bed as I burry my head into my hands, letting tears slip down.

No words came to mind, unless it was an overly loud profanity I could scream out into my room for no reason. But I'm better than that.

Instead, I bang my head behind me against the door a few times, trying to calm myself down. Too much stress lately, that's all. I should just handle myself better.

It doesn't take long for an unknown warmth to seep through the wood though, and I jump a little at the feeling.

"y/n? Are you... slamming your head right now?"



Okay, here we go, moving on. Plot thickens yada yada yada. I'm just kidding sorry for such a late chapter guys I'm doing my best enjoy!!! :) <33

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